AdForest v5.1.1 – Classified Ads WordPress Theme Nulled

AdForest - Classified Ads WordPress Theme

Download Free AdForest – Classified Ads WordPress Theme Nulled v5.1.1

Download Free AdForest WordPress Theme v.5.1.1 – ThemeForest | AdForest – Classified Ads WordPress Theme Nulled 5.1.1 is one of the leading and the most latest Premium Classified Ads WordPress theme ever on Envato. Adforest Classified Ads WP Theme Nulled provides an outstanding front-end UI. You can easily get Directory & Listing classified WP theme comes with different color options and with awesome functionality. (LATEST)

Google map is also integrated into WordPress ads theme. If you want your desire classified business stand out from the crowd AdForest is the one-stop solution to start and make it easy.

The AdForest WordPress Theme Nulled is a Premium Classified WordPress theme with many possibilities, super flexible, Multiple Reusable sections and fully responsive design. We built it with HTML5, CSS3 and Latest 3.7 and 3.1 bootstrap.

We are building a complete classifieds solution according to the requirements of all kinds of ad posting. With a strong focus on typography, usability and overall user experience, we carefully crafted this theme. Setting up is very fast and easy to customize.

AdForest Nulled Features:


Old Version

AdForest Nulled Classified Ads WordPress Theme 5.0.3

Changelog AdForest Nulled – Classified Ads WordPress Theme

Change log / Updates: v 5.0.8 —— November 30th, 2022

Fixes : 
1) Profile page broken issue fixed.
2) Business hours issue fixed,
Change log / Updates: v 5.0.7 —— November 24th, 2022

Added :
1) Option to turn on/off the rating star on the ad detail page.
2) Events now are packaged based.

Fixes : 
1) email template issue on ad alert, ad expiry, and package expiry email.
2) add to favorite heart icons was not working on all grids
3) unable to add and edit adforest packages
4) mark, as featured, was not working from the dashboard
5) fix all broken images linked in CSS.
6) compatible with WordPress 6.1.1
7) process cycle 2 widget description issue
8) duplicate phone number when added from user profile.
9) timezone selection for business hours was not working
Change log / Updates: v 5.0.6 —— October 18th, 2022

Fixes : 
1) Empty image tag on the product detail page.
2) Category modern shortcode issue
3) Same user as multiple attendees at the event
4) Ads cat shortcode layout issue
5) Ad post-modern and ad post-fancy, categories required text translation issues.
6) Search button on search with radius widget on search with top bar
7) Shop page layout issue when sidebar widgets are added
8) Other translation and responsive issues resolved
9) Plugin updated
Change log / Updates: v 5.0.5 —— September 05th, 2022

Added :
1) A All new Directory listing demo was added. Now you can use AdForest as a Directory theme as well. Demo included
2:Events option added, now you can create events. demo included.
3:Bussniess hours added now you can create your business hours.
4:Booking/ appointment system added. book your appointment according to business hours.
5:Time kit booking/custom booking options are available.
6:Category page description added with on /off in ads setting->search settings-> category description

Fixes :
1:Header responsive issue
2:Some another design issue on mobile devices.
3:Set gallery first image to ad feature image in admin side
4:Message icon in headers 4 and 9
5:Ad_block text widget was missing in the visual composer
6:Pricing tag  was not showing in category base templates when price type in hidden
7:If add the same shortcode 3 or 4 times for Ads and select different categories for all shortcodes. When filtering Ads through top location it shows the same Ads in all shortcodes locations base, not the category base.
8) Messages screen issue in the mobile view.
9) ​Removed the reset-password option during login with Phone Number.
10) Added some missing translation strings.
Change log / Updates: v 5.0.4 —— May 24th, 2022

1: hide show address field on ad post form theme-options->ad post settings
2 : make subcategories Required  in ad post form theme-options-> ad settings ->ad settings

1: WPML compatibility issue, multiple emails were sent for different languages when the admin approved the ad.
2:-Hide Recaptcha badge option is not working.
3 :Vendor dashboard menu not showing in the following headers.2,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13
4 :feature date not showing in ad info in dashboard-> dashboard->my-ads->ad-info
5 :In RTL Ads details page styling issue.
6: Currency range issue in RTL
7: menu classes from the backend were not being  included in the child menu
8: ajax loader not working when element or header is active
9: ads alert email was not sent properly
10:Category title in ads grid in rtl
11: Facebook login
12: All headers were not displaying correctly on the Safari browser.
13: Search with map page: Map issues on mobile devices
14: Unavailability of H1 tags in the blogs and categories pages for SEO purposes.
15: some of the demos were not being imported like real estate decor forest  to forest
16: +sign in phone number causing the issue in WhatsApp chat on the ad detail page
17: Email to admin on Ad update was missing, when admin approve ad updated in turned on
18: Translation strings like user type individual and dealer and many others on the dashboard are added.
19: Mark as feature button removed from expire ads

Change log / Updates: v 5.0.3 —— February 03, 2022

1) Upload video in ad post form with on/off option theme options->ad post-> upload video
2) After an ad expires, an email is sent to the creator, and a template is added to the theme options.
3) Filter tags on search with a top bar and search with the map page 

1) Map page collapsed mobile view
2) Duplicate phone number users unable to register
3) Email field not functioning user update profile
3) Ad alert not working in elementor pro
4) Coming soon mode page distorted
5) Product category not clickable
6) Category base template was not being translated when posting other than the default language
7) Ad detail page slider without thumbnail
8 ) Related ads list grid view
9) Ad expires ad sold image not showing
10) Trusted user button text on the user profile page
11) Ajax base category load backend shortcode
12) Expired image issue on the Ad Detail page.
13) Rating issue of the user on Ad Detail Page.
14) Scrolling issue was fixed for the search with Map Layout on a Mobile device.
15) Category image issue resolved if the Adforest Apps API option is activated.

Change log / Updates: v 5.0.2 —— January 21st, 2022

1-Ad claim now user can claim on ad   , admin can approve decline (with email to author  ,  admin  and claimer)
2-set column of short features on ad detail page theme option -> ad view setting -> short features column
3-hide show map and filter on search page with map theme options-> search page

fixes :
1-Search layout grid issues resolved
2-image click  to ad detail fixed 
3-layout not change in search pages
4-footer-1, the section titles don't get changed on the front end.
5-no follow href in header top bar and in footer social widget
6-ReCaptcha v3 issues on the user profile, while sending a message
7-Twilio verify the identity issue.
8-ad post fancy, notification issues.
9-multiple image upload in ad post fancy.
10-translation issue in the ad alerts section
11-search page, category selection issue on the category filter(loads parent category after the child selection)
12-advertisement issue on the search pages.
13-Dashboard collapse button missing.
14-Dashboard rtl collapsed.
15-Missing users and why us shortcodes.
16-Header white toggle button on iPhone and iPad.
17-Regular Price on product modern shortcode.
18- Shop now button on products sliders in mobile view.
19 - and other responsive and styling issues.

Categories: Corporate, Directory & Listings, ThemeForest, WordPress Themes

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