Alike – WordPress Custom Post Comparison

Alike - WordPress Custom Post Comparison

Download Free Alike – WordPress Custom Post Comparison v2.1.4

Alike – WordPress Custom Post Comparison Free Download 2.1.4 – CodeCanyon | Alike v2.1.4 – WordPress Custom Post Comparison is an WordPress plugin for comparing posts. It works with all type of post, or with a any custom type of post. e.g. automobiles, property, all kinds of things.

The plugin includes the ability to build a flexible logic. It allows you to add any information you’d like to include for a tables of comparison display.

Why to choose Alike – WordPress Custom Post Comparison?

You can define any custom taxonomy or terms and custom meta data when making an dynamic compare process. This is the best solution for any type of directory listing WordPress website. We also include two different table design for comparison data table.

The design can be chosen in the plugin’s basic settings panel. Additionally, you can specify the size of the image you would like to display on the page for comparison.

The position can be set for the table body or top. The top position is under the post’s title. 0.00 to 5.00 Based ratings could be transformed into the display of stars. Simply turn on the show rating box on your logic generator.

Terms from custom taxonomies will appear available or not? If the terms are available, it will display an icon with a green check mark, other then it will display a the red closed icon. It is possible to compare 5 posts at once.

List of highlights

Alike WordPress Plugin

Changelog of Alike WordPress Post Comparison Plugin v2.1.4 - 31 May 2018

If you have problem with the alike builder please deactivate the plugin first and activate it again

Categories: CodeCanyon, Plugins, Utilities

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