Archi v4.4.5 – Interior Design WordPress Theme

Archi v4.3.5.2 - Interior Design WordPress Theme

Download Free Archi v4.4.5 – Interior Design WordPress Theme

Archi – Interior Design WordPress Theme Free Download v4.4.5 ThemeForest | Archi Nulled v4.4.5 – Interior Design WordPress Theme (Last Updated on 13th October 2020) specially made for Residential Design, Dining Room, Interior Design services, Commercial Design, Kitchen Design, Exterior Design, Living Room Design, Cottage, contractor, Furniture Design, Master Bedroom Design, Office Design, Hospital Design, Architecture, construction, building, Construction & Business etc. (v4.4.5 LATEST)

Archi WP Theme Nulled will surely help you to easily build beauty and modern website in no time. Archi Interior Design WP Theme Nulled has beauty design and a bunch of features to make your website stand out of crowd.

Our theme include all features that you need


Archi WordPress Theme Download links (v4.4.5 LATEST)

Old Versions v4.3.5.2

Archi – Interior Design WordPress Theme Nulled Changelog

Changelog Archi – Interior Design WordPress Theme
20/12/2022 – Version: 4.4.5
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.8
- Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.2.1
- Updated: Compatible with WPBakery Page Builder 6.10.0
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, header-sidenav-light.css, header-sidenav.css, style.css
27/10/2022 – Version: 4.4.4
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.5
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.10.0
- Updated: OT Portfolios latest version 1.3.5
- Fixed: Thumbnail image in the backend of the OT Portfolios plugin
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, style.css
10/10/2022 – Version: 4.4.3
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.2
- Fixed: Fixed a few minor bugs in the CSS code
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, style.css
06/07/2022 – Version:
- Changed: change so the first one has the NEXT button Instead of PREV on the single project page.
- Files Updated: single-portfolio.php, style.css
24/06/2022 – Version: 4.4.2
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 6.x
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.5.25
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.9.0
- Updated: Redux Framework 4.3.15
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, sample-config.php, style.css
30/03/2022 – Version: 4.4.1
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.5.19
- Updated: FitVids version 1.1 (version of 2016)
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, total1.js, style.css
15/03/2022 – Version: 4.4.0
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.5.18
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.8.0
- Fix: OT Image Carousel - thumbnail work fine
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, designesia.js, style.css
23/07/2021 – Version: 4.3.9
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.5.5
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.7.0
- Fix: Image Carousel not work in ajax popup
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, designesia.js, style.css
09/03/2021 – Version: 4.3.8
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.4.3
- Fixed: Portfolio 3 columns in Portfolio Archive page, Portfolio Category page.
- Fixed: Masonry for OT Image Gallery 1, OT Image Gallery 2 elements
- Fixed: Masonry in the Service Archive page 
- Files Updated: shortcode.php, vc_shortcode.php, plugin-requires.php, designesia.js, style.css
03/03/2021 – Version: 4.3.7
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.4.2
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.6.0
- Fixed: Fix some bugs
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, style.css
07/01/2021 – Version:
- Fixed: OT Portfolio Masonry layout
- Improved: Improving html layout in all the blog files.
- Files Updated: all blog files, shortcode.php, vc_shortcode.php, style.css
22/12/2020 – Version:
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.3.3
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.5.0
- Fix: Columns in OT Portfolio and OT Gallery.
- Fix: Portfolio masonry layout
- Fix: Fixed archi-child-theme missing CSS files and JS files.
- Fix: Fixed some bugs
- Files Updated: functions.php, shortcode.php, vc_shortcode.php, style.css
14/12/2020 – Version: 4.3.6
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 5.6
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.3.2
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.4.2
- Updated: Update all javascript latest version
- Improved: Improving the all js code
- Fix: The One Page scroll.
- Fix: Fixed services and testimonials layout cumulative error and break the layout. 
- Fix: Theme works fine on Chrome on macOS
- Files Updated: functions.php, shortcode.php, vc_shortcode.php, total1.js, designesia.js, style.css
13/10/2020 – Version:
- Fix: Fixed portfolio layout cumulative error and break the layout. 
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.4.1
- Files Updated: designesia.js, style.css

Categories: Creative, Portfolio, ThemeForest, WordPress Themes

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