BackWPup Pro v4.0.1 Free Download

BackWPup Pro
BackWPup Pro

Free Download BackWPup Nulled v4.0.1 | BackWPup Free Download v4.0.1 can be used to save your complete installation including /wp-content/ and push them to an external Backup Service, like Dropbox, S3, FTP and many more, see list below. With a single backup .zip file you are able to easily restore an installation. Please understand: this free version will not be supported as good as the BackWPup Pro version. With our premium version you get first class support and more features.


BackWPup Free Download

Changelog BackWPup Nulled

Release Date: November 16, 2022

Added: Support for additional S3 storage classes
Added: Support for Glacier Instant Retrieval
Added: Created backwpup_ftp_use_passive_address filter for when FTP is behind NAT
Added: Support for object lock in S3 by adding Content-MD5 header
Added (pro): Include unique IV when encrypting archives
Added (pro): Default character set fetched from alternative database credentials
Changed: Upgraded minimum version to PHP 7.2
Changed (pro): Upgraded Google Drive SDK to V3
Fixed: Better support for PHP 8
Fixed: PHP warning when backing up to S3 destination
Fixed: Unable to download from S3 when using predefined region
Fixed: Unable to download from SugarSync
Fixed: Backups downloaded twice from MS Azure
Fixed: wp-config.php backed up twice when parent folder is included in backup
Fixed: Text fields too long on SugarSync destination settings
Fixed: Dropbox runs out of memory when more than 50 files in folder
Fixed (pro): Authentication of OneDrive when HTTP_REFERER not set.
Fixed (pro): Displayed creation date of OneDrive backups was incorrect
Fixed (pro): Disabled mysqldump radio button when binary cannot be found
Fixed (pro): HiDrive does not detect when refresh token expires
Removed: Unnecessary AWS and Google library files to save on package size.
VERSION 3.10.0
Release Date: September 1, 2021

Added: Support for Dropbox short-lived access tokens
Fixed (pro): Prevent out of memory error on HiDrive backups
Fixed (pro): Small files uploaded twice to HiDrive
Fixed (pro): Fatal error on plugin update if $transient is null
Fixed (pro): Restore of stored functions, procedures, and triggers
Fixed: Export of stored functions, procedures, and triggers including delimiters
Fixed: Support emojis and other 4-byte characters in database dump
Fixed: PHP 8 deprecation notice in XML export
Release Date: June 10, 2021

Added (pro): Migrate website to another URL
Added (pro): Validation for database credentials on restore
Added: PHP notice for outdated PHP versions less than 7.2
Fixed (pro): License deactivated on settings save
Fixed (pro): Corrupted path name in Google Drive destination
Fixed (pro): Unable to download backup from Google Drive
Fixed: Unable to connect to custom S3 endpoints
Fixed: Intermittent error selecting restore strategy
Fixed: Memory leaks when uploading to S3
Fixed: PHP 7.4 Deprecation notices
Fixed: PHP 8 compatibility issues
Fixed: Remove BackWPup user roles on uninstall in multisite
Fixed: Correctly handle relative upload paths
Fixed: Display welcome page even after consent dialog clicked
Fixed: Exclude non backup files from the backups page
Fixed: Format dates as ISO-formatted dates instead of binary hex in MySQL backup
Fixed: Don’t pre-fill database credentials when backing up non-WordPress database
Fixed: Description of replacement patterns for archive name
Fixed: Added missing destinations to destination list in about page
Fixed: Made BackWPup banner local
Removed: Phone home client
Removed: Remote admin notices
Release Date: September 22, 2020

Added: OneDrive destination for Pro version
Added: HiDrive destination for Pro version
Added: WordPress 5.5 compatibility
Added: PHP 7.4 compatibility
Added: Option to keep BackWPUp data after plugin uninstall
Added: More default excluded folders and files for BackWPUp
Fixed: Custom S3 destination return error after Amazon library update
Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined index: dbdumpdbcharset
Fixed: Cannot use variables for the xml file name
Fixed: Deprecated: Non-static method BackWPup_Admin::admin_css() should not be called statically
Fixed: Prevent click on overlay disable backup download process
Fixed: BackWPUp redirects even in the CLI environment
Release Date: March 30, 2020

Fixed: Error Notices CSS is loaded on all pages and overwrite the color of other plugins notices
Updated: License system update for premium version (Pro version)
Release Date: Nov 27, 2019

Updated: Raise the minimum PHP version required by BWU to 5.6
Updated: Microsoft Azure Storage Blob PHP Client Library
Fixed: S3 custom url not used for bucket selection
Fixed: S3 malformed error message when authentication credentials are wrong
Fixed: S3 selecting an invalid service raise no error
Fixed: Rackspace uses old cacert.pem file
Fixed: Log page not correcty sorted
Added: Option to enable or disable the phone home client
VERSION 3.6.10
Release Date: July 8, 2019

Fixed: Azure Supports https on uploading
Fixed: Auto remove old backup files not working when archive file name have prefix “backwpup”
Added: Filter to extend list of S3 destinations
Removed: S3 multipart upload checkbox, now in destination definition
Updated: Amazon AWS SDK for S3 services, now PHP 5.5+ is needed
Added: Filter to extend list of Glacier destinations (Pro version)
Updated: Amazon AWS SDK for Glacier, now PHP 5.5+ is needed (Pro version)
Release Date: May 7, 2019

Fixed: Google Drive destination automatically remove old backup files
Fixed: Do not expose destination data within the manifest file
Fixed: Update Dropbox Tokens
Fixed: Restore error: MIME returns html instead of event stream
Fixed: Log files name are predictable because of weak hash
Fixed: ZipArchive doesn’t fallback to PclZip in Restore
Fixed: Session already started could cause issues during ajax calls
Fixed: Wrong vendor include path for PEAR using MS Azure
Fixed: Decryption Key prompt when any error occur during the first step of a Restore
Fixed: Phone home client notice and php 5 issue with php short echo tag
Fixed: mime_content_type function may not exists prevent backup decryption
Improve: Restore Log and produce report for user feedback
Changed: License changed to GPLv2+
Release Date: Feb 25, 2019

Fixed: Typos in settings job page
Fixed: Rest API admin note language doesn’t change when changing user language
Release Date: Jan 22, 2019

Fixed: More margin to dashboard footer to avoid save button unclickable
Fixed: On folder sync destination folder is not created
Fixed: Encryption option should not be displayed for syncing job
Fixed: Restore stuck on file restore step because of file permission issue
Fixed: “Do not delete files while syncing to destination!” not working
Tweak: Increase PHP Version from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3
Tweak: Encryption Settings description and ui improvements
Tweak: On restore error, include restore.dat file along with the log when user download the restore log file
Tweak: Lock server to execute same task multiple time when one is already in progress
Release Date: Nov 28, 2018

Fixed: Files could be excluded from the backup because of incorrect string comparison

Categories: Plugins

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