Betheme Theme v26.7.4 Nulled | Betheme Theme v26.7.4 Free Download | Betheme Theme Nulled is the best product we ever did. This is more than just WordPress theme. Such advanced Theme Options panel and the Muffin Builder tool give unlimited possibilities. To show you how theme works, we have created 650+ thematic websites so you can see how amazing this product is.
betheme-nulled-zip (LATEST)
Version 26.7.1 – January 27th, 2023 * Added: Entrance animations - Delay attribute * Added: New Google Fonts - 1482 fonts available * Added: Elementor - Blog widget - Option to use as Related Post - Exclude current post from query * Added: Elementor - Clients slider widget - Option to set number of clients per slide * Added: Elementor - Clients slider widget - Option to scroll one client at a time * Added: Elementor - Clients slider widget - Navigation arrows position option * Fixed: Loop Builder - Post type change when there are many Query loops on single page * Fixed: Loop Builder - Wrap loop - Enable query loop on empty wrap - Refresh query after adding element * Fixed: Loop Builder - Section loop - Dynamic data {featured_image} as wrap background * Fixed: BeBuilder content overlapping header submenus - Incorrect z-index removed * Fixed: Header and Footer Templates on password protected pages * Fixed: Column text element - HTML tags with inline styles - Element preview * Fixed: The Events Calendar plugin - Default plugin CSS styles Version 26.7 – January 23, 2023 * Added: Loop Builder - Design any type of slider, blog, portfolio or shop listing without limits. * Added: Dynamic Data - Intuitive modal with a list of all dynamic tags at your disposal anywhere on the page. * Added: Year shortcode - Add current [year] automatically in Copyright area * Added: Elementor widget - Live Search * Fixed: Templates: Header - Menu burger element - Bouncing content on menu open * Fixed: Templates: Prevent 404 error on some server configurations after the first template is added * Fixed: BeBuilder - New section - Missing global section button * Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Section info - Background position - Minor PHP notice * Fixed: Live search element - Next section z-index lowered to prevent content overlapping * Fixed: Option to hide WordPress Editor affects only post types which support BeBuilder * Fixed: One Page - Main menu - Active on scroll when Entrance animations are disabled * Fixed: Sticky Header - Wrong header position if page has already been scrolled and is refreshed or is opened with #hash * Fixed: Section with parallax background image - Duplicated image removed * Fixed: Accessibility: Keyboard support - ESC key press - Close mega menu on all type of links inside, not only menu items * Fixed: Contact Form 7 plugin - Unwanted column padding removed * Fixed: The Events Calendar plugin - Breadcrumbs if Events Calendar widget is in place on the page * Fixed: Revolution Slider + Lightbox - Button with lightbox rel attribute * Fixed: WPML plugin - Load BeBuilder local styles from the primary language if styles for the current language do not exist Version 26.6.7 – January 5, 2023 * Added: Buttons - Style: Custom - Option to set box shadow * Added: Heading element - Option to set title hover color * Added: Clients slider element - Option to scroll one client at a time * Added: Clients post type - Option to open client link in the same window * Added: Accessibility - Header Builder support * Added: BeBuilder - History - Option to disable autosave * Fixed: BeBuilder - History - Undo and Redo - Unwanted site scroll removed * Fixed: BeBuilder - Additional information element - Minor PHP notice * Fixed: BeBuilder - Safari browser: Order field * Fixed: Templates: Header & Footer on Search page which has no results * Fixed: Templates: Shop + Footer template - Footer outside the main #Wrapper * Fixed: Templates: Footer - Image Gallery element - Missing HTML tags * Fixed: Betheme Dashboard - Plugins - Check if plugin folder exists * Fixed: Accessibility: Keyboard support + Shop: Show secondary image on hover * Fixed: Search results page - Page title - Unanted slash removed * Fixed: Portfolio - Load more and Masonry layouts - JS object error * Fixed: Section style: Dark - Our Team element - Social icon color * Fixed: Responsive - Tablet - Main menu - Unwanted active element background color * Fixed: PHP 8.1 - Division by zero error * Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Redirect URL when theme switching * Fixed: Elementor plugin - Be Icon box & Be List widgets - Check if image and icon fields are not empty * 2 Pre-built websites: Wedding 3, Cosmetics 3 * 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Wedding 3, Cosmetics 3 Version 26.6.6 – December 14, 2022 * Added: Shop - Single Product - Option to hide WordPress Editor Content for all products * Added: Heading element - Option to add inline shortcode in title field * Added: List element - Target attribute for list element with link * Fixed: BeBuilder - Single page import * Fixed: BeBuilder - List element - Missing CSS file when new element added * Fixed: BeBuilder - Blog element - Style: Photo 2 - Padding assigned to wrong div * Fixed: BeBuilder - Live search element - z-index * Fixed: Templates: Header - Bouncing sticky header on resize * Fixed: Templates: Header & Footer on Author and Date archives * Fixed: Templates: Shop - If one product is hidden, the products loop stops * Fixed: Shop - Missing closing div tag in main WooCommerce PHP template * Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Element Additional CSS field - Unwanted following semicolon removed * Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - List element resize * Fixed: Header Creative - Duplicated background image * Fixed: Multisite - BeBuilder roles and capabilities * Fixed: Contact Form 7 plugin - Unwanted spinner empty div removed * Fixed: Elementor plugin + Slider Revolution plugin - Open image or video in lightbox * Fixed: The Events Calendar plugin - Page title if Events Calendar widget is in place on the page * Fixed: Cache plugins - Images with data-src atribute in ajax loaded content * 2 Pre-built websites: Burger 3, Estate 4 * 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Burger 3, Estate 4