Free Download Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Nulled v1.5.9 + v6.4.4 | Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Nulled v1.5.9 + v6.4.4 is an excellent tool to increase your conversion rates and boost your sales.
It allows you to add, edit, customize, and delete fields on the checkout page.
Checkout Field Manager (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce allows you to include custom fields to the checkout page, related to billing, Shipping or Additional fields sections.
Our plugin allows to reorder, remove or change the field type of the WooCommerce core fields. You can choose between this field types: Text, Textarea, Password, Radio, Checkbox, Select, Country, State, Multiselect, Multicheckbox, Heading, Colorpicker, File uploader.
This plugin was formerly known as “WooCommerce Checkout Manager”. WordPress forced us on November 8, 2019 to change the name of the plugin due to use of the “WooCommerce” word in the name. We apologize for the problems that the downtime may have caused to you.
Checkout Field Manager (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce allows you to include custom fields to the checkout page, related to billing, Shipping or Additional fields sections.
Our plugin allows to reorder, remove or change the field type of the WooCommerce core or custom fields.
Checkout Field Manager (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce supports conditional checkout fields allowing you to show/hide the fields based on any value of its parent fields.
Our system detects the parent field type and allows you to select the value based on the available options.
You can include an unlimited number of files from different types into fields. Then offer the user an option to display the uploaded files in order. The user will be allowed to upload or delete fields through the order page.
Checkout Field Manager (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce allows you to customize the checkout process, including or reducing order’s fields collected. Our plugin is able to consider your billing data inside checkout page, and recovers all data required by your company process.
This option allows you to remove the toggle checkbox to display the shipping fields. Shipping fields will be always displayed, and the user is forced to complete them.
This option allows you to remove/include, the account creation during the purchase process. If selected, the account will be always created with the email defined by the user in the billing fields.
This option allows you to remove the order notes in the checkout form.
This option allows you to include a custom message before or after the checkout form. This works as engagement action message to grateful your customers.
The premium version of Checkout Field Manager (Checkout Manager) plugin offer you a wide range of extra features that allows a full controll of the checkout fields.
= 6.4.2
* Fix. WooCommerce Compatibility
= 6.4.1
* Fix. State field type disabled
* Fix. State field select when country field is disabled
= 6.4.0
* New. Settings link
= 6.3.9
* New. Settings link
= 6.3.8
* New. Regex validation for premium version
= 6.3.7
* Fix. WooCommerce order video upload
* Fix. WooCommerce order upload
* New. WooCommerce order uploaded files icons
= 6.3.6
* Fix. Premium Compatibility
= 6.3.5
* Fix. WordPress Compatibility
= 6.3.4
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout Email default fields
= 6.3.3
* Fix. WooCommerce Compatibility
= 6.3.2
* Fix. WooCommerce Account fields
* Fix. WooCommerce default billing & shipping fields
= 6.3.1
* Fix. WooCommerce Account fields
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout conditional field prices
= 6.2.8
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout alert removed
= 6.2.7
* Fix. Elementor checkout upload
= 6.2.6
* Fix. WooCommerce compatibility
= 6.2.4
* Fix. WPML compatibility
* Fix. Polylang compatibility
= 6.2.3
* Fix. PHP erros
= 6.2.2
* Fix. PHP erros
= 6.2.1
* Fix. PHP erros
= 6.2.0
* Fix. PHP erros
= 6.1.9
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout WPML compatibility
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout Polylang compatibility
= 6.1.8
* Fix. WooCommerce 6.8 compatibility
= 6.1.7
* Fix. WooCommerce Account fields remove
= 6.1.6
* Fix. WooCommerce Account fields
= 6.1.5
* Fix. WPML compatibility
= 6.1.4
* Fix. string translations
= 6.1.3
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout fields filters
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout force shipping address checkbox
= 6.1.2
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout force shipping address checkbox
= 6.1.1
* Fix. PHP erros
= 6.1.0
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout force shipping address
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout WPML compatibility
* New. WooCommerce Checkout Polylang compatibility
= 6.0.9
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout required fields save
= 6.0.8
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout force shipping address checkbox
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout conditional fields
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout conditional fields
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout conditional fields
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout billing fields
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout remove fields
* Fix. WooCommerce Checkout email settings save
* Fix: WooCommerce Checkout Datepicker placeholder
* Fix: WooCommerce Checkout Address field conditional hidden
= 6.0.7
* Fix. WooCommerce billing & shipping filters order to allow third party plugins hooks checkout fields
= 6.0.6
* New. QuadLayers dashboard widget
Fix: WooCommerce compatibility
Fix: First choice in checkout select conditional fields
Fix: Fix Call to a member function get_cart_contents() on null
Fix: Values changed to keys in select, multiselect, checkbox, multicheckbox, radio
Fix: Default show aditional checkout fields in order
Fix: WooCommerce compatibility
Fix: Escaping output functions
Fix: Escaping output functions
Fix: WooCommerce upload files checkout
Fix: WooCommerce compatibility
Fix: WordPress compatibility