Click Mag – Viral News Magazine/Blog Theme Free Download v.3.4.0 – ThemeForest | Click Mag v3.4.0 – Viral WordPress News Magazine/Blog Theme (Last Updated on 10th June 2021) is the only magazine/blog theme which you ever need to maximize clicks and keep visitors flooding back to your perfect website. From its SEO optimization, various social sharing options, maximum ad exposure, trending posts, and attractive design, Click Mag WP Theme will smoothly deliver the best user experience and clicks of any WordPress theme you’ve ever used!
To give you a myriad of options in placing your ads, click Mag takes full advantage of available ad space. The ad units have a main boarding area that can be used for adjusting the height and width of any ad size, an advertising widget that appears below each post and can accommodate 300px wide ads of any height on the sidebar and all ad sizes in the widget area. Click Mag also comes with ad units for 300px large ads of any height within your homepage widgets.
The Click Mag makes the most of the ad space available to provide you with a variety of possibilities to display your advertisements.
Ad units come with an area for the main leaderboard with adjustable width and height which can accommodate any size advertisement, an identical leaderboard ad unit that is displayed beneath every post, and an Ad Widget which can be able to accommodate ads with 300px width of any size in the sidebar, as and any size leaderboard ad that is placed in the homepage widget. Click Mag also includes Dynamic ads in the homepage widgets which can be able to accommodate 300px wide ads of any dimensions.
Nulled Click Mag WordPress Theme v3.4.0
Affected files: amp-single.php author.php single.php style.css
Affected files: /admin/theme-settings.php /font-awesome /widgets/widget-pop.php archives.php catgeory.php fly-menu.php footer.php functions.php page.php page-fullwidth.php page-home.php search.php share-drop.php (new file) single.php style.css