Corify – WordPress Car Listings & Dealership Theme Free Download 1.0.9 – ThemeForest | Corify v1.0.9 – WordPress Car Listings & Dealership Theme is a premium theme for WordPress for car dealership and websites for car listing. It lists, manages and sells your vehicles easily with advanced search, auto popopulated car data, plumbing, gallery, maps. Integrated with Elementor, Corify allows you to customize your websites for car listings.
Corify WordPress Theme has a 1941, over 68,000 cars database! Just select the year, make and pattern. Then you have all specs in your fields.
Corify has a highly customizable Elementor search box, which lets you add everywhere. The search form is Ajax powered, which ensures that results are quick and reliable.
Do you have to mark a sold car? Or would you like to add custom color to your cars? We have a number of custom car attributes that your listings can be personalized and made attractive.
Would you like to capture customer information? We have several ways to let you do this using the listing page contact form, the Contact Form 7 integration and pop-up form. Your email, telephone, name and more can be captured.
Running a website for multi-dealer car sales. Corify gives your dealers the opportunity to register on the website, have a dedicated profile page and submit cars. The submission also includes a payment system that allows you to configure various packages for your users.