Free Download Dokan Pro and Business Nulled v3.7.16 | Dokan Pro and Business Free Download v3.7.16 is the best front end multi-vendor marketplace on WordPress, powered by WooCommerce. It helps you to build your own marketplace similar to Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Magento like marketplaces in under 30 minutes.
Dokan is the fastest way to start eCommerce and earn through commissions with products ranging from digital, physical to variable products.
Hear what reputed WordPress influencer and online business strategist, Darrel Wilson, has to say about Dokan.
Dokan comes with a number of extended features that help your marketplace stay one step ahead of the competition. And more innovations and features are brought with regular and timely releases.
=v3.7.13 Jan 26, 2023=
- **new:** Extended REST API support for Dokan
- **new:** Added a filter hook named `dokan_vendor_biography_form` to control vendor biography form arguments
- **new:** Added a filter named `dokan_paypal_marketplace_product_type` hook to control PayPal marketplace default product type
- **update:** Allow vendors to add new values to predefined attributes
- **update:** Added a new section to regenerate variable products author under Dokan → Tools page.
- **fix:** Multiple store category modal wasn't working for some theme
- **fix:** [StoreReview]: Reviews page markup broken if Vendor Product Review option disabled from admin settings
- **fix:** [Booking] The vendors are getting an error on the vendor dashboard while adding a person type.
- **fix:** [Booking] Enabling two booking products that require confirmation is throwing an email error.
- **fix:** [DeliveryTime] Added translation support for delivery slot calendar under checkout page.
=v3.7.12 Jan 10, 2023=
- **update:** [StripeExpress ] Added support for source transaction in Stripe Express
- **fix:** [DeliveryTime] Missing delivery time for the newly registered customer at the time of ordering
=v3.7.11 Dec 27, 2022=
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Vendors subscription pack validity date invalid, it was getting the date without formating from subscription product.
=v3.7.10 Nov 30, 2022=
- **fix:** [Stripe Express] Payment error when WooCommerce subscription is disabled
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Product filtering was not working when geolocation was not set in the filters
- **fix:** [RMA] A fatal error occurs when the RMA Requests page is visited from my account page if order doesn't exists on database
- **fix:** [Rank Math SEO] Assets dependency issue with the latest version of Rank Math SEO
- **update:** Updated UI/UX of vendor dashboard submenu
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Enabled support for guest users to purchase vendor subscription pack.
V3.7.9 ( JAN 10, 2023 )
update: Last-page and first-page pagination icon inconsistency under single store page product listing
update: Adjusted store banner image stretching issue under store list page
fix: Vendor email address is not showing up on the store header.
V3.7.8 ( OCT 27, 2022 )
fix: Single Store Page store header menu and search fields style break on mobile devices
fix: Vendor dashboard total sales wasn’t displaying decimal values
fix: Set user role as seller while creating vendor from api call
fix: order note date issue under vendor dashboard order details page
V3.7.7 ( NOV 30, 2022 )
update: Added date filter – after/before for Order REST API
update: Added dokan_bank_payment_fields_placeholders Filter to change the label and placeholder of bank payment fields
update: Updated UI/UX of vendor dashboard submenu
update: Added section, sub-section label, description search under Dokan admin settings
V3.7.6 ( NOV 14, 2022 )
fix: Fixed a sql security issue while searching for products via ajax from vendor dashboard
V3.7.5 ( NOV 03, 2022 )
new: Added a new hook named dokan_store_product_search_results to filter out store product search results closes
update: Sort product categories under the vendor dashboard alphabetically
fix: SweetAlert library is conflicting with the WooCommerce Conversion Tracking plugin
fix: [BestSellingProductWidget] Products are being shown on the widget even when the catalog visibility is set to hidden.
fix: [VendorDashboardProducts] Products of different statuses are not displayed in the appropriate tab from the vendor dashboard.
fix: [ProductCategoryWidget] Sub Category dropdown on the Dokan Product Category widget doesn’t work
fix: [AdminProduct] When editing a product in the WordPress backend, the vendor select dropdown doesn’t contain any data.
fix: Fixed a fatal error on the report page if the same day is selected for both the start and end date to generate reports
fix: [VendorSoreSettings] Store settings update button wasn’t working if the Dokan Pro plugin isn’t activated.
fix: Store filtering using category was not working
V3.7.4 ( OCT 27, 2022 )
fix: Fixed a fatal error update updating to Dokan if Dokan Pro version is outdated
V3.7.3 ( OCT 27, 2022 )
fix: Fixed a fatal error due to a function moved from dokan pro
V3.7.2 ( OCT 27, 2022 )
new: Added a new filter hooked named dokan_rest_api_store_collection_params for StoreController request parameters
new: Introduced dokanVendorFilterSectionStart and DokanGetVendorArgs js filter hooks
fix: [AdminCommission] – Percentage Commission does not support “comma” as decimal separator under Dokan admin settings Selling Options page
fix: [Products] Product author is assigned to the shop manager when the shop manager publishes a product drafted by the admin.
fix: Spaces between paragraphs are too large under the store terms and condition page.
V3.7.1 ( OCT 11, 2022 )
fix: [VariableProduct] Fixed variable product’s variation image uploading height size overlapping on price field.
fix: [ProductSearch] Fixed product search of the product listing page of the vendor dashboard is not working.
fix: [OrderEmail] Fixed multiple emails are sent to the customer when a parent order’s status is changed to processing from failed payment.
fix: Removed unwanted popup code from the SweetAlert library
fix: Fixed the vendor dashboard adds new products’ discount prices set to 0 by default.
fix: Fixed vendor order page not showing line item qty and totals
V3.7.0 ( SEP 27, 2022 )
new: Added dokan_selected_multistep_category js hook after a category has been selected
update: Fixed some security issues
update: Performance enhancement for dokan
update: Updated some JS libraries
update: Vendor dashboard add-product-single.php file is renamed to edit-product-single.php
fix: Select2 spacing issue CSS fix
fix: Fixed vendor single store page profile picture CSS issue
fix: Fixed vendor product page extra table field issue
fix: Fixed admin dashboard vendor details page: social profile Twitter icon is not showing issue
fix: Fixed multiple sub-categories of the same parent category is assigned to a product, they are not saved issue
fix: [Store settings]: Not being able to add “+” or “-” sign to the phone number filed of the store on Firefox web browser.
fix: Bank withdrawal method required field updated, Added a new filter hook dokan_bank_payment_required_fields so that site owner can manage required fields as they pleased
fix: Category-based commission is not working when a category has child categories.
V3.6.5 ( AUG 25, 2022 )
fix: [WPML] Added WPML support for the multistep product category.
fix: Order REST API endpoint displays other vendors orders.
V3.6.4 ( AUG 10, 2022 )
new: Added Catalog Mode Feature to Dokan Doc Link:
update: Load asset (CSS/JS) files only on required pages
update: Added $user_id as parameter for filter hook dokan_is_store_open
fix: [security] Removed unfiltered_html capabilities from vendor user role
fix: Fixed responsive issue of multistep product category UI.
fix: [WPML] Vendor Dashboard Submenu not loading if translated to another language
fix: Account Type for bank payment method is missing when admin is creating/editing a vendor
fix: Paypal shows as connected for new vendors even though it is not connected
fix: Can’t skip seller setup wizard’s Payment step by keeping some fields empty
fix: Fixed Order By sorting parameters for Orders
fix: Vendor Dashboard Add New Product URL changed to the product list page
fix: Single store page default order by filtering wasn’t working
fix: Fixed third store header styling issue
fix: When the admin updates or saves a product from the admin panel multistep product category feature wasn’t working
V3.6.3 ( JUL 26, 2022 )
update: Added DateRange filter for vendor dashboard Orders page
new: Added search by order id filter for vendor dashboard Orders page
V3.6.2 ( JUL 15, 2022 )
new: Added dummy data import feature for Dokan
update: Multistep category modal for product add and edit page under vendor dashboard
update: Added ‘Back To Top’ button & fix some design broken issue under Dokan admin settings page.
V3.6.1 ( JUN 30, 2022 )
fix: Fixed some empty method names in Payment Methods section of Vendor Dashboard > Withdraw
fix: Fixed incorrect alignment of withdraw method title in Dokan setup wizard
fix: Vendor Store breadcrumb URL redirecting to 404 page
update: Added disconnect button to payment methods
update: Removed ‘Dokan’ Prefix from the payment method name under vendor dashboard payment settings page.
update: Added a new setting to change Vendor Setup Wizard welcome message under Dokan General Settings page.