Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History Free Download v.4.1.1 – CodeCanyon | Hero v4.1.1 – Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History is a top-notch HTML5 radio player that comes with ShoutCast and IceCast support. It will surely display the current playing artist image, the current playing song & artist and the radio stream history. Compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices.
It supports radio streaming from Shoutcast and Icecast. The MP3 type should be used for the radio stream. AAC streams, but only on browsers supporting AAC will be played.
Just add the radio stream and you get the current song and photo of the artist.
The radio player can be used on responding websites. Optional parameter to deactivate responsive behavior, to integrate it into websites that do not respond.
It is compatible with the operating systems IOS and Android.
If you are present in the database, the player will display the photo of the current player.
The 2 available skins you can select: back and white. In addition, any color scheme from parameters can be created, which can be integrated into any design.
Set parameter for sticky version of the radio player. Further parameter to show only the play button.
It gets the history of ShoutCast streams automatically. It generates history as the radio plays for IceCast streams.
To hide or display the history button. The player is also able to start with the hidden history.