Investorm – Advanced HYIP Investment Management Platform v1.3.2 Nulled

Investorm - Advanced HYIP Investment Management Platform

Download Free Investorm – Advanced HYIP Investment Management Platform v1.3.2 Nulled

Investorm – Advanced HYIP Investment Management Platform Free Download 1.3.2 – CodeCanyon | Investorm v1.3.2 – Advanced HYIP Investment Management Platform is compatible with major and well-known cryptocurrency ( BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT, USDC and many more) as well as other fiat currencies ( USD, EUR TRY, RUB, INR, and many more) which allows investors to deposit and invest their money. It is easy to control which currencies will be recognized or rejected. You can also set the up as a base currency.

In Investorm you can create your investment platform within hour without programming skills. It comes with the most powerful settings panel that you can control every setting effortlessly.

The application is developed on Laravel version 8.8. It also makes use of jQuery, Bootstrap v4.6 and DashLite for a high-end design. It also supports built-in color presets so that you can pick your preferred color.

Investorm Features:

Additional Features

User Dashboard

An investment interface that is user-friendly:

Key statistics and links are displayed in a manner that allows users to start investing and earning money quickly.

Multi scheme investment supports:

Users can invest in several investment plans simultaneously or at separate times.

Multiple currencies to deposit and withdraw system:

Users can make deposits in a variety of currencies and transfer funds to their accounts.

Transaction history:

Details about transactions and details specific to the user’s needs are available.

Profile management:

The user has the full power to manage his account and to update it at any time.

Activity log

Application can save login activity to protect you. It is possible to disable or enable it at any time.

Two Factor Authentication:

Users can enable 2FA to provide another layer of security to your account.

Admin Dashboard

Infographic Description:

Monthly and weekly deposit and withdrawal insights, most recent order and transaction activity Total stats, and much more!

A Dedicated Dashboard for Investments:

Includes an overview of investment, graphic insight into the top and active investment plans, the most recent investments, and much more!

investment Scheme Administration:

Schemes can be updated, activated/inactivated or can be archived. Easily update investment amount, interest rate, interest period, term duration etc.

Investor Statement

All investments transactions, history of payouts, profit settlements, and profit/interest logs are all available.

Indraw and Deposit:

Administration allows access to the list of withdrawal and deposit information, then either approve or deny the details, and approve or deny them. Also allow for an immediate payment, deposit or bonus against a user’s account.

Multiple Currency Management

Manage the system and support currencies in the application.

Extended Payment Settings

Limits on amount and currency selection on withdrawals or deposits Enable or disable new deposits/withdrawals, as well as configuring the payment method.

Users Management

Users list, manually add users manually from backend. Additionally, multiple operation support is available such as suspending user, reset password and emailing an individual user, for example. Additionally, bulk actions can be used to disable, suspend or activate.

Web Settings

Information about your website including social media links Time zone settings, maintenance, email configuration and many more settings can be easily managed.

Language Management

You can include in as many languages as you wish and also translate by using a json file. Additionally, you can easily alter the what language is used by the application.

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Free Investorm – Advanced HYIP Investment Management Platform 1.3.2 Nulled

Nulled Investorm – Advanced HYIP Investment Management Platform 1.2.0

Changelog Investorm Nulled Advanced HYIP Investment Management Platform

Version - 1.3.1 Apr 15, 2022

Manually Email Verification option added for Admin.
+ Group options added for users in admin panel.
!+ Referral commission issue fixed while who refer is disable.
!+ PayPal decimal amount issue in transactions.
!+ Logged user session issue with suspended users.
!+ Balance transfer issue if user has balance.
!+ Few minor bugs fixed as per error logs.
!! Stylesheet & JavaScript libraries updated for new feature.
!! Laravel version & PHP packages updated to improve security.

Upgrade Note

This update will require database migration to work latest features properly. So once you updated files please login into admin panel and run the update just before start using the application.

Additional Note

The main application of v1.3.1 is now compatible with PHP 8.1+ version. Also we have updated all available modules and addons to make compatible with latest version.

Categories: CodeCanyon, Help and Support Tools, PHP Scripts

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