LaraClassified v5.5 – Geo Classified Ads CMS

LaraClassified - Geo Classified Ads CMS v5.5Download Free LaraClassified Classified Ads PHP Script v.5.5 – CodeCanyon – PHP Scripts | LaraClassified v5.5 - Geo Classified Ads CMS PHP Script (Updated on 20th August 2018) is a great and advanced Classified CMS, a most powerful modulable app and has a fully ultra responsive design. This PHP Classified CMS has been built using Lara ve 5.2 and Bootstrap (HTML5 & CSS3). It is completely packed with lots of features.

System Requirements:

  1. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  2. PHP 7.1.3 or greater
  3. XML PHP Extension
  4. PDO PHP Extension
  5. GD PHP Extension (or Imagick PHP Extension)
  6. Mbstring PHP Extension
  7. JSON PHP Extension
  8. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  9. Ctype PHP Extension
  10. PHP Fileinfo extension
  11. PHP Zip Archive
  12. Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)

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Categories: CodeCanyon, Miscellaneous, PHP Scripts

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