Lighthouse – Performance Tuning WordPress Plugin Free Download v3.8.9 – Best Cache Plugins for WordPress 2021 | Lighthouse v3.8.9 – Performance Tuning WordPress Plugin is a WordPress performance tuning plugin, removing lots of default WordPress behavior, such as filters, actions, injected code, native code and third-party actions. (LATEST)
In order for a WordPress installation to work as expected, load fast and error-free, it needs a bit of cleanup in order to help the browser cache the requested content and the caching plugins to work with 100% efficiency.
Based on each user requirements, this plugins allows for removal of unused classes and IDs, redundant scripts and stylesheets, new and non-optional features and queries, disabling of various native requests and functionality.
This plugin also helps all pre-caching routines, by making the source code smaller and allow for improved minification and caching.
This plugin also helps with security, by adding several rules for HTTP(S) requests, XML-RPC and malicious requests. (LATEST)
= 3.8.6 = * FIX: Removed TGMPA plugin recommendations due to a conflict with PHP 8.1+ * FIX: Removed old, unused CSS styles * UPDATE: Updated UI massively to use the standardized Thin UI library * UPDATE: Refactored chart/metric boxes to use less HTML elements and load faster = 3.8.5 = * UPDATE: Updated PHP and WordPress recommendations * UPDATE: Used the IntersectionObserver API to only prerender links when they are visible. This will prevent the browser from prerendering links that the user may never actually interact with, which can improve the overall performance of the page. Additionally, using requestIdleCallback to schedule the prerendering logic to run when the browser is idle can ensure that the user's experience is not impacted by the prerendering process. * UPDATE: Used the function to measure the time it takes to execute the prefetching logic. The prefetch_throttle_delay value is adjusted based on the measured performance, ensuring that the prefetching logic only runs when the browser is able to handle it without impacting the user's experience. * UPDATE: Optimized back-end performance by refactoring several loops * UPDATE: Refactored code to allow for faster execution = 3.8.4 = * FIX: Removed option to block WebP image creation as it's not a Core feature yet = 3.8.3 = * FIX: Fixed TGMPA library conflict with some plugins * UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations = 3.8.2 = * FIX: Fix custom UI fonts to prevent FOUT * FIX: Fix SpeedFactor settings redirection (after save) * FIX: Remove unused function * UPDATE: Combine query tables * UPDATE: Update WordPress recommendations * UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility = 3.8.1 = * FIX: Fix ChartJS version * FEATURE: Add query tracker * FEATURE: Add media-related settings * UPDATE: Add heartbeat settings * UPDATE: Add new preset "none" (reset all options) * UI: Make nav tabs smaller to fit another tab = 3.8.0 = * FIX: Fix legend circle being too big and overlapping the text * UPDATE: Update back-end fonts * UPDATE: Update ChartJS fonts * UPDATE: Update Lighthouse UI * UPDATE: Update options tab name in SpeedFactor email notification * UPDATE: Split SpeedFactor settings and prefetch/preconnect settings * FEATURE: Add server details UI * FEATURE: Add new Tips & Tricks section = 3.7.6 = * FIX: Removed unused option * UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility * UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations * UPDATE: Updated PHP requirements * UPDATE: Updated ChartJS (3.7.1 to 3.9.1) * UPDATE: Added database server info * FEATURE: Added new Storage section * FEATURE: Added option to block WebP image creation * FEATURE: Added option to disable application passwords * FEATURE: Added option to disable big image handling (introduced in WordPress 5.3) = 3.7.5 = * FIX: Fixed WordPress recommendations * UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility * UPDATE: Removed custom SVG URL for front-end only = 3.7.4 = * UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility * UPDATE: Updated ChartJS (3.3.2 to 3.7.1) * UPDATE: Updated WPCS specifications * UPDATE: Removed unused .eslintrc resource file * UPDATE: Updated code according to WordPress Coding Standards = 3.7.3 = * UPDATE: Remove Dashicons options as it does not apply anymore and, in some rare cases, it breaks the admin bar for non-admin users * UPDATE: Remove deprecated hooks as they are not being applied anymore = 3.7.2 = * FEATURE: Added options to disable automated plugin update email notifications * FEATURE: Added options to disable automated theme update email notifications * UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility * UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations * UPDATE: Updated WPCS specifications = 3.7.1 = * FIX: Fixed 2 typos * UPDATE: Exposed current database version on the plugin Dashboard * UPDATE: Removed 8 database queries on plugin installation * UPDATE: Added PHP requirements (7+) * UPDATE: Removed CPU and memory check as not many hosts allow running the calls * UPDATE: Improved back-end performance by removing several OS/server calls = 3.7.0 = * FEATURE: Implemented code cleanup on demand * FEATURE: Implemented optimization presets * UPDATE: Updated code according to WordPress Coding Standards * UPDATE: Removed unused file and cleaned up old code * UPDATE: Removed unused variables and improved audit performance * UPDATE: Removed emoji from option name * UPDATE: Removed Security tab and moved options to the Performance tab * UPDATE: Removed CMS tab and moved options to the Setup tab * UPDATE: Updated Frequently Asked Questions section