MonsterInsights Pro v8.12.3 – Best Google Analytics Plugin For WordPress

MonsterInsights Pro
MonsterInsights Pro

Download Free MonsterInsights Pro Google Analytics WordPress Plugin v8.12.3 – | MonsterInsights Pro v8.12.3 – Best Google Analytics Plugin For WordPress make your analytics easy for WordPress. See how your valued visitors find and use your valuable website, so you can also keep them coming back. Simply put, get stats that matter. It is the best plugin having over 10 Million downloads, it’s also the great and most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress.


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Changelog MonsterInsights Pro Nulled

8.12.1: JAN 12, 2023
Fix: We made updates to authentication
8.12.0: JAN 12, 2023
Enhancement: We updated and fixed some UI/UX elements to make MonsterInsights easier to use
Enhancement: We optimized our Javascript code to work better with minification plugins
Enhancement: We optimized our Javascript code to work better with minification plugins
Enhancement: We optimized the Javascript code to work nicely with minification plugins
Enhancement: We optimized our code to work better with PHP8
8.11.0: DEC 12, 2022
New: With our limited-time-only Year in Review report you’ll be able to see how your site performed in 2022 and how to improve in 2023. This report will be automatically available from January 1 to January 14, 2023, inside the Reports section of MonsterInsights.
Enhancement: We optimized our media addon events.
8.10.1: NOV 09, 2022
Fix: We fixed a bug in our auto-update logic when it encounters double digit version numbers.
8.10.0: NOV 07, 2022
New: We created a new Media report available right inside WordPress Admin dashboard to view video plays and engagement
New: We added file download support for Pretty Links
Enhancement: We enhanced some UI elements within the plugin
Fix: We updated User Journey to work with older versions of Easy Digital Downloads
8.9.1: OCT 11, 2022
Enhancement: Our UserJourney addon works with sequential orders
Enhancement: We updated some language inside the WordPress Admin area for GA4 reporting
Fix: Headline analyzer now understands queries better
Fix: We updated our Ads addon to work with Easy Digital Downloads 3.0
8.9.0: SEP 20, 2022
New: You can now show an MonsterInsights badge on your website!
Enhancement: We updated and tweaked many UI elements to better help with onboarding and plugin usage.
Enhancement: We now include our dashboard fonts locally.
Fix: We updated support for PHP 8 with our headline analyzer tool.
8.8.2: AUG 26, 2022
Fix: We fixed the headline analyzer issues reported by our lite users.
Fix: We fixed the PHP errors reported by WordPress 4.8 users.
8.8.1: AUG 24, 2022
Fix: We fixed the Javascript error reported by lite users.
8.8.0: AUG 24, 2022
New: We added UserJourney for Easy Digital Downloads, MemberPress, LifterLMS, Restrict Content Pro, and GiveWP.
Enhancement: We enhanced the PageInsights addon to better support query strings
Enhancement: We optimized the reports cache.
Enhancement: We optimized the LearnDash integration.
Enhancement: We optimized reports data for eCommerce integrations.
Enhancement: We optimized report queries for certain timezones.
Enhancement: We updated some of our error messages to provide better direction.
Enhancement: We optimized the code for PHP 8.1.
Enhancement: We optimized our onboarding wizard to include all GA properties.
Enhancement: License validation now checks to ensure active license exists.
Fix: We fixed non zero data in eCommerce reports.
Fix: We fixed the purchase events for LifterLMS.
Fix: We updated the report URL for all downloads button inside the WordPress dashboard.
Fix: Updated eCommerce session tracking for GA4 properties.
8.7.0: JUL 11, 2022
Fix: We fixed the logged-in sessions data in our dimensions report.
Fix: We fixed the test mode detection PayPal Express Payment method when Smart Button is used.
Enhancement: We optimized our plugin’s backend javascript.
Enhancement: We optimized the membership levels tracking for Restrict Content Pro integration.
Enhancement: We optimized the integration with EDD latest versions.
8.6.0: JUN 13, 2022
Enhancement: We updated the User Journey display
Enhancement: We optimized the plugin activation process, popular posts, userID tracking, and onboarding
8.5.3: MAY 18, 2022
Fix: We optimized the user ID custom dimension for GAv4
Fix: We optimized the affiliate events for GAv4
Fix: We optimized the Easy Digital Downloads purchase events for GAv4
8.5.2: MAY 06, 2022
Fix: We fixed an error reported by users using older versions of PHP.

8.5.1: MAY 04, 2022
New: We launched a new User Journey addon to easily see which pages and for how long each customer visited before making a purchase from your WooCommerce store.
Enhancement: We enhanced Page Insights to show stats right in the WordPress sidebar while editing public post types.
Enhancement: We enhanced our Headline Analyzer tool.
Fixed: We fixed the URL query string parameters in reports.
Fixed: We fixed anchor tag targets to enhance user experience.
Fixed: We restricted excluding page tracking only for public post_types.
Fixed: We fixed console errors reported by a few customers on the admin homepage.
8.5.0: MARCH 31, 2022
Tweak: We enhanced and optimized the backend styles.
Fixed: We fixed a few PHP warnings when no add-ons are installed.
Fixed: We optimized the filters to add dynamic attributes in all frontend script tags.
8.4.0: FEBRUARY 28, 2022
Fixed: We fixed the plugin requirements for Forms Addons version 2.2.1+
Fixed: We optimized the popular posts widgets display in edit screens
Fixed: We fixed console errors for users who have CookieYes enabled
Fixed: We fixed custom dimensions for all single post types.
8.3.4: FEBRUARY 10, 2022
Fixed: Resolved a PHP Notice message some users received after upgrading to 8.3.3
8.3.3: FEBRUARY 09, 2022
Fixed: We fixed the PDF reports format.
Tweak: We optimized the Ajax requests for notifications.
8.3.2: JANUARY 25, 2022
Fixed: We fixed the fatal error that occurred due to a generic class name conflict.
Fixed: Fixed errors some users were having with our Exclude from Tracking feature.
8.3.1: JANUARY 24, 2022
New: With our new Exclude from Tracking Feature admins can now exclude any page or post from tracking.
Fixed: We fixed the local gtag.js where it didn’t work with only the GAv4 connection.
Fixed: We fixed the messages in the plugin settings based on the Media Addon activation status.
Tweak: We categorized and enhanced the plugin notifications.
Fixed: We fixed Javascript errors when the CookieBot plugin is active and the Forms addon is not.
Fixed: We fixed UTM parameters in tracking links.
Fixed: We remove the type attribute from the script tag if the current theme supports html5.
Fixed: We fixed GA4 eCommerce missing events.
Fixed: We fixed the incorrect numbers for Year In Review average page views.
Fixed: We fixed the integration with Enfold theme Ajax forms where conversions were not being tracked.
Fixed: We fixed the backward compatibility for AffiliateWP versions below 2.7.
8.3.0: DECEMBER 14, 2021
New: With our limited-time only Year in Review report you’ll be able to see how your site performed in 2020 and how to improve in 2021. This report will be automatically available from January 1 to January 14, 2022 inside the Reports section of MonsterInsights.
New In Pro: Introducing the MonsterInsights Media addon which allows for impression and video watch time tracking for videos uploaded to WordPress, embedded from YouTube or embedded from Vimeo automatically!
New In Pro: We’ve added a new integration with AffiliateWP allowing you to more effectively track your affiliate impact on conversions!
Tweak: External links to our documentation now will always open in a new tab to make it easier to perform the action listed in the docs.
Fixed: A bug that caused some reports to show a blank numbers.
Fixed: The Headline Analyzer feature will no longer unpin when another plugin’s tab is unpinned.
Fixed: Legacy analytics.js code has been removed which increases performance by removing unnecessary switches and database lookups.
Fixed: An issue that caused the dashboard widget to sometimes show the bounce rate box twice for GAv3 properties.
Fixed: An issue with Cookie Notice when used in Cookie Notice’s legacy mode.
Fixed: An issue that could prevent auth for networks on the multisite panel has been fixed.
8.2.0: NOVEMBER 3, 2021
Tweak: The GA Compatibility layer feature has had it’s output cleaned up.
Bugfix: Updated events when dual-tracking mode is enabled to not alter bounce rate on GAv3 properties.
New In Pro: Email summaries that show traffic results over the last 7 days
New In Pro: We’ve added official integrations with the Complianz and CookieYes plugins.
8.1.0: SEPTEMBER 30, 2021
Tweak: We’ve updated some of the GAv4 report labels to be more accurate.
New in Pro: We’ve added Google Ads conversion tracking for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and MemberPress.
New in Pro: We’ve added a new integration with EasyAffiliates for users using WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and MemberPress.
8.0.1: SEPTEMBER 21, 2021
Fix: We fixed an issue that caused the bounce rate box to appear twice on the dashboard widget.
8.0.0: SEPTEMBER 14, 2021
New: Full Google Analytics v4 support! After working very closely with the Google Analytics team for many months, we’re excited to unveil full support for Google’s newest version of Google Analytics. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google’s web analytics platform, and it can track both websites and apps in the same property. It also has some new reporting features and can give you better, more in-depth insights into how users are interacting with your website. We’ve taken the time to ensure that users who run GAv4 can do so effortlessly, for example by ensuring your events from GAv3 will work the same in GAv4 without having to touch any code or configuration. You can learn all about GAv4 and MonsterInsights on our announcement blog post.
New: GAv3 + GAv4 Dual Tracking support. We’re also excited to announce our exclusive dual-tracking feature. This feature lets you to track your site visitors to both a Google Analytics v3 (Universal) and a Google Analytics v4 (GAv4) property at the same time, which allows you to take advantage of the new GAv4 features without having to sacrifice your historical data. You can learn more about this MonsterInsights exclusive feature on our site.

Categories: Plugins, Utilities

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