Neftize – NFT Portfolio & Digital Items Elementor Template Kit Free Download – CodeCanyon | Neftize – NFT Portfolio & Digital Items Elementor Template Kit is a template kit designed for NFT portfolios and digital item website. It’s a fun template kit to showcase your portfolio of NFTS as well as crypto-collectibles, digital items and much more. The kit comes with 12 pre-built templates that have a cool design and contemporary style. It is easy to modify and personalize by using drag and drop.
You can save your time and effort to design a an awesome NFT portfolio sites using this template kit.
Install and activate and activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from Add New > Plugins in WordPress
Download the kit file, and do not open the file.
Visit Elements > > Installed Kits, and select the upload Template Kit button. You can also automatically import by connecting your Connect Account to your Elements subscription. Then, the import will be the template kit under Elements and Template Kits.
Look for the orange banner in the upper right and select Install Requirements in order to load any plugins that the kit makes use of.
Select import on your Global Kit Styles first
Click Import just one template at. They are saved inside Elementor in the Templates tab, then Saved Templates.
Go to Pages, create a new page . Then select Edit using Elementor.
Select the gear symbol located lower-left on the builder’s left side to access page settings, and select Elementor Full Width. You can also block the title of the page.
Click the gray folder icon to open My Templates tab and then Import the template you’d like to modify.