Paperio v2.2 – Responsive and Multipurpose Blog Theme

Paperi Blog Theme
Paperi Blog Theme

Download Free Paperio v2.2 – Responsive and Multipurpose Blog Theme

Paperio – Responsive and Multipurpose Blog Theme Free Download v2.2 | Paperio v2.2 – Responsive and Multipurpose WordPress Blog Theme is a very clean | visually appealing and uncluttered, completely SEO and speed optimized multi-purpose WordPress blog theme which is fully customizable having WordPress customizer. It is fully Responsive, completely Modern and Creative Multi-use Blog WordPress Theme which is perfectly designed for Technology | Interior and Home Decor | Travel and Adventure | Corporate and Personal | Food and Recipes | Fashion and Lifestyle | Art and Photography | News and Magazine and More.

Paperio is a visually appealing, clean and uncluttered, SEO and speed optimized multi-purpose WordPress blog theme fully customizable with WordPress customizer.

Fully Responsive, Modern and Creative Multi-use Blog WordPress Theme for Interior and Home Decor, Food and Recipes, Art and Photography, Travel and Adventure, Fashion and Lifestyle, Corporate and Personal, News and Magazine, Technology and More.

Paperio offers sleek and modern, polished and technologically sophisticated, user friendly and easy to read attractive blog styles, featured post sliders, latest / popular post styles, header and footer styles, different sidebar styles and more to make your blog outstanding with clear content, stylish, highly visible to search engines and extra ordinary fast in page loading.


Paperi Blog Theme Free Download

Changelog Paperi Blog Theme Nulled

ver. 2.1 (04.01.2023)
    - Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 6.1.1
    - Added Font Awesome latest version 6.2.1 library and icons
    - Added theme compatibility for PHP 8.1
    - Upgraded language POT files
    - Added latest Google fonts list
    - Fixed soft deprecated WordPress PHP function
    - Fixed some minor JS and CSS issues
ver. 2.0 (10.08.2022)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
    - Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 6.0.1
    - Added Font Awesome latest version 6.1.2 library and icons
    - Upgraded language POT files
    - Added Telegram, Ok, Viber, WhatsApp and Skype social service into Appearance > Customize > Post Social Share Settings
    - Removed google plus, delicious and tumblr social service from Appearance > Customize > Post Social Share Settings
    - Fixed the newsletter was missed from the sidebar and footer
    - Fixed soft deprecated WordPress PHP function
    - Fixed PHP notice was thrown by theme and addons
    - Fixed some minor JS and CSS issues
ver. 1.12 (21.07.2021)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
    - Added: compatibility for latest WordPress version of 5.8
ver. 1.11 (07.06.2021)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
    - Added: compatibility for latest WordPress version of 5.7.2
    - Added: Added Font Awesome latest version 5.15.3 library and icons
ver. 1.10.2 (26.12.2020)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
    - Added: compatibility for latest WordPress version of 5.6.0
    - Added: Added none option for customize Text Transform
    - Changed: Changed latest Google fonts list
    - Fixed some minor css and jQuery issues
ver. 1.10.1 (18.09.2020)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
    Changed: Changed number pagination length
    Fixed some minor css and jQuery issues
ver. 1.10 (16.09.2020)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
    Added: compatibility for latest WordPress version of 5.5.1 except Gutenberg
    Changed: Changed under construction logic
    Changed: Changed latest Google fonts list
    Fixed: Fixed some minor CSS issues
ver. 1.9 (10.08.2020)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
    Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 5.5 except Gutenberg
    Added: Added Font Awesome latest version 5.14.0 library and icons
    Changed Instagram graph api as Instagram legacy API was shutdown. Read this article: to generate your Instagram access token as per their new API requirements.
    Changed: Changed preview site url and added https
ver. 1.8 (13.06.2020)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
    Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 5.4.2
    Added: Added Font Awesome latest version 5.13.0 library and icons
    Added: Added option to hide breadcrumb post Title
    Added: Added option to disable feature image for standard post format
    Fixed: Fixed long sub-menu overlap issue
    Fixed: Fixed some other minor css issues
ver. 1.7 (07.08.2019)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
  - Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 5.2.2
  - Added: Added Font Awesome latest version 5.10.1 library and icons
  - Added: Added option to hide Sticky Post in Blog page
  - Added: Added aria-label and screen reader text for button as suggested by WAVE Web Accessibility Tool.
  - Fixed: Fixed panel navigation issue in Customize panel
  - Fixed: Fixed some other minor css issues
ver. 1.6 (20.03.2019)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove that plugin and then install it again to have latest plugin version.
  - Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 5.1.1
  - Added: Added first stage of Gutenberg compatibility
  - Added: Added Font Awesome latest version 5.7.2 library and icons
  - Added: Added default Customize panel elements
  - Added: Added option in add/edit page/post to hide page title
  - Added: Added option in add/edit page/post to add title wrapper image
  - Added: Added option to hide blog list in Blog page
  - Added: Added option to hide post title from breadcrumb
  - Added: Added option to set follow/no follow in button shortcode
  - Fixed: Fixed Featured Area Style 3 arrow link issue
  - Fixed: Fixed default ul li style in sidebar widget
  - Fixed: Fixed about us widget link issue
  - Fixed: Fixed some other minor css issues
ver. 1.5 (06.06.2018)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove this plugin and then again install Paperio Addons plugin to have latest plugin version.
  - Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 4.9.6
  - Added: Added Font Awesome latest version 5.0.13 library and icons
  - Added: Added css styles for all form elements for contact form 7 forms
  - Added: Added an option in customize panel to disable Google fonts completely
  - Added: Added an option to change button color, BG color, border color, hover color, hover BG color, hover border color in all listing blocks
  - Added: Added an option to show post full title in listing
  - Added: Added an option to hide/show title wrapper in page, post, category and archive pages
  - Added: Added an option to replace search form and social icon in header with new sidebar elements
  - Added: Added an option to hide/show arrow in button
  - Added: Added an option to make header and menu fluid / full width
  - Added: Added an option to change scroll to top button position and colours in customize panel
  - Added: Added an option to add new custom sidebar area in customize panel
  - Added: GDPR related changes in comment form
  - Added: Added Privacy Policy page link in footer
  - Fixed: Fixed Under Construction mode conflict with contact form 7 latest version
  - Fixed: Fixed Under Construction error when theme is inactive
ver. 1.4 (12.04.2018)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove this plugin and then again install Paperio Addons plugin to have latest plugin version.
  - Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 4.9.5
  - Added: Added Full title display option in related posts block
  - Added: Added line height and letter spacing options in typography
  - Added: Added easy admin navigation for customizer settings from top admin bar
  - Added: Added Envato hosted environment check
  - Changed: Updated OWL to OWL 2.0 and added animation and loop options
  - Fixed: Fixed content color option for page link color and hover color
  - Fixed: Fixed demo data for Mailchimp form
ver. 1.3 (22.12.2017)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove this plugin and then again install Paperio Addons plugin to have latest plugin version.
  - Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 4.9.1
  - Added: Added a new option to upload logo for scrolled header version
  - Added: Added compatibility for NextGEN gallery plugin
  - Added: Added H1 in page, post and category title by default
  - Added: Added option to switch on / off H1 in logo of front page
  - Added: Added option of number of columns to setup in Adelta - Blog Layout 4
  - Added: Made the category and tag page descriptions visible in front website
  - Added: Added options to set sub menu font size, line height and letter spacing
  - Changed: Changed popular posts images to height - auto instead of fixed height
  - Fixed: Fixed issue of menu text and hover color in header style 2 and 4
  - Fixed: Fixed issue of posts not visible in search which where excluded from home page standard list
  - Fixed: Fixed issue of not having default header image dimensions
  - Fixed: Fixed issue of contact form not working when under maintenance mode is switched ON
ver. 1.2 (10.06.2017)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove this plugin and then again install Paperio Addons plugin to have latest plugin version.
  - Added: Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 4.8
  - Added: Added option of number of columns to adjust in grid type of post listing in home page
  - Added: Added option of number of columns to adjust in gallery post type
  - Added: Added required css for WP default gallery columns
  - Added: Added options for mobile menu toggle icon and menu background color
  - Fixed: Fixed issue of submenu color change
  - Fixed: Fixed issue of styling layout of blog style 1 in home page when there is no sidebar
ver. 1.1 (15.02.2017)
NOTE: We have updated Paperio Addons plugin in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove this plugin and then again install Paperio Addons plugin to have latest plugin version.
  - Fixed: Google font issue
  - Fixed: Old PHP version notice

Categories: Business, Corporate, ThemeForest, WordPress Themes

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