Profile Builder Pro – WordPress Profile Plugin + Addons Free Download 3.8.8 – cozmoslabs | Profile Builder Pro – WordPress Profile Plugin v3.8.8 + Addons is the all in one complete user registration and management plugin for WordPress sites. To achieve this, just create a new page, and give it an intuitive name (i.e. Edit Profile). Now all you need to do is add the following shortcode: [wppb-edit-profile] . Publish your page and you are done!
Create user profile easily with the plugin Builder WordPress Profile. The plugin features the user dashboard with an easy drag & drop builder, add multiple end points for the user dashboard, and enable users to upload custom avatars. The user dashboard has several layouts. The plugin also offers customized login & registration forms for guests on the dashboard. Instead of backend access, users can update their profile information on the front dashboard.
The Profile Builder Pro plugin provides guests with customized login and registration forms on the dashboard. Instead of backend access, users can update their profile information on the dash board on the front end. Profile Builder is easy to use and can create any registration form. It is also useful for editing profiles, changing password, or log out.
Fix: compatibility issues with PHP 8.1
Fix: warning coming from WYSIWYG field in some cases
Misc: changed Roles Editor capability to delete_users
Misc: more small changes regarding Gutenberg blocks
Misc: compatibility fix for JetEngine plugin
Fix: The GDPR Communication Preferences field required you to select all options in order to register
Fix: Some strings that couldn’t be translated
Fix: Password Strength meter works again on WP versions lower than 4.9
Fix: Some issues with the Email Confirmation feature when changing your email address
Misc: Elementor login widget improvements
Misc: Changes to blocks
Fix: Do not load Gutenberg blocks on older versions of WordPress
Fix: Notices regarding Avatar field
Misc: Moved Select User To Edit script from admin edit profile to footer
Fix: an issue regarding the new Email Customizer functionality not working correctly in a case
Fix: notices appearing in the dashboard in some cases
Fix: password visibility toggle was not placed correctly on mobile
Misc: quality of life improvements for Elementor Widgets
Feature: Added Gutenberg Blocks for Register, Edit Profile, Login and Recover Password forms
Fix: issue with Email Customizer not changing all emails in some cases
Fix: incompatibility issue between Select2 and newer block themes
Fix: some notices appearing in some cases
Fix: issue between invisible reCaptcha and Paid Member Subscriptions Plans being present in the form
Misc: added links to documentation on settings pages
Misc: added a filter that can disable HTML in Emails sent by the plugin wppb_mail_enable_html
Fix: compatibility issue with paid version MSF
Fix: issue with some fields not appearing on the back-end users page
Feature: added new field types: Heading, Input, Textarea, Select, Select2, Checkbox, Radio
Feature: added Avatar field which lets your users manage their avatar on your website from the Profile Builder forms
Feature: added Email Customizer feature which lets you edit all the emails that the plugin sends with custom content and tags for the defined fields
Fix: issue with licence activation not working on multisite
Feature: added the possibility to restrict the purchase of WooCommerce Products based on User Roles
Misc: fix some cases where HTML was displaying in the back-end
Fix: Bug happening with the Elementor Registration widget in some cases
Fix: Backwards compatibility issues with Password Strength feature on older versions of WordPress
Misc: The Delete Account button of the GDPR functionality is now also anonymizing comments made by that user
Fix: issue regarding unique display names and email confirmation
Misc: improved description message for Redirect users to a page if they have empty required fields option
Changes regarding how paid version updates are handled
Fix: fix some issues regarding the unique display name option
Fix: more multisite compatibility changes
Fix: some broken strings
Misc: add Elementor styling options for the password strength and length text
Misc: added a hook after a user deletes his own account through the GDPR functionality: wppb_gdpr_user_deleted
Elementor Integration: added Content Restriction compatibility with the new Elementor containers feature
Elementor Integration: added option to style the Multi Step Forms buttons
Fix: an issue with loading on multisite networks
Misc: add user roles entry under main Profile Builder menu
Misc: re-allow the collapse or move up/down options for the back-end metaboxes
Fix: Allow back-end user profile edits when the Unique Display Name for users settings is active
Fix: Issue with Export Settings functionality not exporting the new add-ons page settings
Fix: A case where the Email Change request pending message was displayed incorrectly
Misc: Added a filter which can be used to modify the required permission in order to use the User Role Select field on an Edit Profile form: wppb_user_role_select_field_capability
Fix: Admin menu position with a future WordPress update
Fix: An issue when cloning a user role
Fix: Issue with Form Fields interface becoming unresponsive after deleting a field
Misc: Set the input type to email for the login form when Allow Users To Log In With option is set to Email
Misc: Updated the translation files from the plugin for Portuguese (Brazil)
Misc: Elementor compatibility change
Small changes
Correct some issues with updates
Small changes to code
All Premium Add-ons have been repackaged in new archives downloadable from account. All the old plugin Add-ons will no longer receive updates.
Reconfigured add-ons to be activated from Add-ons page
Misc: disable ability to drag main back-end metaboxes to the side
Misc: fix a warning that could appear in some cases
Fix: Fix a notice coming from content restriction function
Fix: Typo in back-end form fields select
Misc: Don’t wrap content restriction messages in spans at save
Misc: Password strength to respect the back-end weak password checkbox
Misc: Mobile display improvements
Misc: Execute shortcodes in the conten of the compare shortcode
Misc: Order users by display name in the Edit Other Users Dropdown
Fix: Sanitize form field titles and descriptions
Misc: Improve back-end compatibility with other plugins that use Select2
Misc: Add width and height for password visibility image
Fix: issue with back-end Users with unconfirmed emails page
Misc: remove unnecessary code
Misc: sanitize outputted register sucesss message
Feature: login users automatically after a password reset. Can be activated from the Advanced Settings -> Forms tab
Fix: notice when deleting a labels edit add-on entry
Fix: issue with Labels Edit page not refreshing after an import
Fix: compatibility issue between Stripe and Invisible reCaptcha
Misc: corrected a notice relating to PHP 8
Added more security improvements
Fixed some security issues
Fix: compatibility issue with MailPoet where our menu was showing different items when opened from their pages
Fix: issue with Select2 not working correctly in the back-end due to to some compatibility issues
Fix: case where the password visibility feature was not working