PublishPress Series Pro v2.10.1 Free Download

PublishPress Series Pro
PublishPress Series Pro

PublishPress Series is a publishing plugin that allows you to organize posts into issues or series. This is ideal for magazines, newspapers, short-story writers, teachers, comic artists, or anyone who writes multiple posts on the same topic.

Newspaper, magazines and publishers can use PublishPress Series to create issues based on topics or time periods:

When you’re writing a post, you can easily add a post to an existing series, or start a new series. You can also add a new post into the middle of an existing series, and the plugin will adjust the order.

The “Publish Series” screen makes it easy to manage posts in a series. You can re-order, schedule, publish, or unpublish all of the content in a series from a single screen.

Add, delete, edit all your series on one handy dandy page. You can also upload images to associate with the series. PublishPress Series makes it easy to keep track of all the series you are writing!

The Pro version provides additional tokens to use in the series options page for customizing various series templates. Extra tokens included to insert series slug, series id, post author, post thumbnail, or post date.

The PublishPress Series core plugin groups posts together in series. The Pro version gives the ability to put series together in groups.


v2.10.1- 2023-01-04
* Update: Added new token %post_title_short% and %post_title_short_linked%, #523
* Fixed: %post_title_list_short% not working, #523
* Fixed: Broken Post list display for series box style, #691
* Fixed: Classic Widget “Series Table of Content” sorting not working, #715
* Fixed: Taxonomy change not working, #701
* Fixed: Invalid form control with name=’series_part[0]’ is focusable when series part is disabled, #694
* Fixed: PHP Warning error in server log, #693
* Update: Add \’category_ids\’ and \’series_ids\’ parameters to [series_post_categories], #709
* Fixed: Sorting series is not working for [series_toc] shortcode, #696
* Fixed: Series Order not working for multiple series, #706
* Fixed: Manual series part not working when Automatic Numbering is enabled, #702
* Update: Series-v2.10.0-ES-IT_TranslationUpdate-5_October2022, #665

v2.10.0- 2022-10-04
* Feature: Add Series and Series Group re-order field with term drag and drop feature #584
* Feature: Add series order link to series and new post selected series #612
* Feature: Add series Groups(Categories) overview page shortcode [publishpress_series_categories] #591
* Feature: Add search box to series metabox #239
* Feature: Add settings to limit series meta display to single page only #588
* Fixed: Only allow valid numbers in series part input #634
* Update: Set series part if empty irrespective of Automatic Numbering settings #636
* Feature: Add filter, search and pagination to “Publish Series” screen #510
* Update: Enable “Show “Series Part”” by default #617
* Fixed: Font styles and font sizes inconsistency on \’Series Table of Contents\’ widget page #604
* Fixed: Syntax Error on \’Edit Series\’ page #607
* Update: Simplify the Publish Series screen #614
* Update: Change the menu links inside Series #615
* Fixed: TOC template header and footer deprecated in FSE themes #623
* Fixed: Groups template header and footer deprecated in FSE themes #416
* Fixed: Series taxonomy template header and footer deprecated in FSE themes #409
* Feature: Add “Series Groups” into a Free feature #613
* Fixed: Remove new taxonomy metabox #595
* Fixed: Float left for next post navigation #586
* Update: Series-Translation updates for Spanish July 21 #578
* Update: Series-Translation updates for French-Spanish-Italian #567
* Update: Remove “Create as unpublished”? #655
* Fixed: Series link in “Posts” table doesn\’t go anywhere #651

v2.9.2- 2022-07-12
* Fixed: Problem with series navigation and List #568
* Fixed: Define plugin addon path from primary plugin file to fix include error #570

v2.9.1- 2022-07-06
* Feature: Added series Table of Content shortcode [publishpress_series_toc], #559
* Update: Disable automatic numbering for new installs #515
* Fixed: %post_date% doesn\’t work #525
* Fixed: Exclude trash post from publish series “Unpublish all” #527
* Fixed: Small cleanup for “Publish Series” box #497
* Added: New Free vs Pro library #529
* Fixed: Multiple “No Series” in Quick Edit when no series is available #538
* Fixed: Issue with “Update Order” when posts are unpublished #528
* Added: Add a Promo for PublishPress Blocks #541
* Fixed: Issue with scheduled posts and part #552
* Update: Show “Post status” instead of “Last Modified” on the publish series screen #553
* Update: Updated translations #560
* Update: Translation check #557
* Fixed: Error in PHP 5.6.39 #535

v2.9.0.1- 2022-05-17
* Fixed: Series not enable in rest api #531

v2.9.0- 2022-04-21
* Fixed: Better way to re-order posts in a series #377
* Fixed: Improved publish Series display #494
* Fixed: Include a sidebar for Pro #462
* Fixed: Small warning about plain permalinks #496
* Fixed: Update “Series Groups” Menu title #495
* Fixed: Remove publish series menu promo from series menu #498
* Fixed: Re-numbering of posts within the series #477
* Fixed: Publish Series screen in Free version #478

v2.8.2- 2022-04-12
* Fixed: Issue with series menu permission #488
* Fixed: Remove lines and paddings from Series Metabox #484

v2.8.1- 2022-04-11
* Fixed: Custom Post Type Archive not working anymore #474
* Fixed: Issue with Post Title in Widget #473
* Fixed: Small changes to “Display” settings #466
* Fixed: “Series” should be “Settings” #470
* Fixed: Two issues with Series Table of Contents #465

Categories: Add-ons, Plugins

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