Download Free Real 3D FlipBook WordPress Plugin 3.37 – CodeCanyon | Real 3D FlipBook v3.37 – WordPress Plugin (Updated on 1st February 2018) uses great WebGL to create stunning and super realistic 3D magazines, 3D books, and brochures that will surely blow your readers away! Installation is super easy for Real 3D Flip Book Plugin for WordPress, just upload your PDF or jpg pages and insert the shortcode in your page or post or page. Its Flipbook layout can be easily changed based on the device type.
1. uninstall the current version of the plugin
2. install the new version of the plugin
version 3.36
date 25.7.2022.
- fix - detection of iPad as mobile
- fix - print page, download page
- fix - webgl mode, jpg flipbook not working
- fix - page with category shortcode cannot be edited in Elementor
version 3.35
date 21.6.2022.
- fix - PDF Flipbook crashing on iOS
- improvement - PDF Flipbook pages are converted to image and cached, webp used if available
- new - added option Autoplay Loop
- fix - embed.js - decoding htmlContent
- fix - disable zoom while page swipe - swipe mode
- fix - Menu buttons > Print > PDF File for printing
- fix - lightbox close when click outside for "swipe" mode and 1 page flipbooks
- fix - lightbox mode hide scrollbars without jumping to top of the page
- new - shortcode attributes order, orderby for sorting flipbooks from category
- fix - htmlContent not interactive in modes "swipe", "2d", "3d" for PDF flipbook
version 3.34
date 25.2.2022.
- fix - "3d" mode bug (flipbook not working if Single page mode is enabled)
- new - option General > PDF Auto links - automatically create links from text in PDF (disabled by default)
- new - link opacity
- fix - btnClose added to menu buttons, for title change
version 3.33
date 14.1.2022.
- fix - print all pages (print PDF) in Safari
- improvement - PDF search results
- fix - unique taxonomy names
- fix - saving option background music mp3
- new - option corner curl
- new - custom flipbook permalink
- new - option to disable flipbook permalink
version 3.32
date 23.11.2021.
- new - link flash animation
- fix - options UI > Button > Padding Vertical, UI > Button > Padding Horizontal
- fix - thumbnails position after opening bookmarks
- fix - text search highlight color
- fix - share on WhatsApp on desktop
- fix - webgl mode
- fix - flip sound
version 3.31
date 19.11.2021.
- support for Page Editor Add-on version 1.1
- fix - fullscreen mode flipbook
version 3.30
date 17.11.2021.
- new - option to add background music .mp3
version 3.29
date 11.11.2021.
- fix - responsive view - go to last page if no back cover
- improvement - WebGL mode book thickness
version 3.28
date 4.11.2021.
- fix - go to last page when single page view and no back cover
- fix - print pages - set images to be 100% width of the paper
version 3.27
date 24.10.2021.
- fix - improved flipbook loading time by loading only icons that are used instead of entire icon font
- fix - conflict with theme Font Awesome if another version is used
- fix - faster page loading
version 3.26
date 23.10.2021.
- fix - js error on mobile
- new - option Front Cover - disable to displaying only inner pages (1-2, 3-4, ...)
- new - option PDF Text Layer - if text layer will be rendered, disable for faster page load, enable for text selection and text search
version 3.25
date 5.10.2021.
new - taxonomy "r3d_author"
new - shortcode parameter "num" - number of flipbooks to show
new - shortcode parameter "author" - show flipbooks from author
new - option to change author of flipbook post
new - option "access" ( flipbook direct link - "full" - everyone, "woo_subscription" - only users with WooCommerce subscription )
new - option logoUrlTarget
fix - flipbook category shortcode - show unlimited number of books from category
version 3.24
date 24.9.2021.
- new - more optimized page loading
- new - start loading Flipbook only after flipbook becomes visible on the screen
- fix - flipbook working with tabs
- fix - Flipbook crashing in Safari 15
- fix - converting old flipbooks to posts
- fix - WhatsApp button settings were missing in Real3D Flipbook > Settings > Menu buttons
version 3.23
date 31.8.2021.
- fix - PDF rendering issues of some special characters
- fix - option Mobile > Mode was not working
- new - support for new add-on Page Editor for Real3D Flipbook
version 3.22
date 6.7.2021.
- fix - print PDF
- fix - removed Share on Google plus
- new - share on WhatsApp button
- new - option to change fliobook slug
- new - menu page with links to all available add-ons
version 3.21
date 11.6.2021.
- fix - Flipbook permalink not working
version 3.20.1
date 3.6.2021.
- fix - converting old flipbooks to posts
version 3.20
date 21.4.2021.
- fix - Lightbox CSS class
- fix - pdf.worker.min.js path includes current plugin version
- new - function window.r3d_run() for initialising flipbooks, e.g. after ajax call
- fix - multiple Lightbox flipbooks - close with ESC