Download Free RexCoin – A Multi-Purpose Cryptocurrency & Coin ICO v.1.0 – ThemeForest | RexCoin – A Multi-Purpose Cryptocurrency & Coin ICO v1.0 is a professional multi-purpose CryptoCurrency & Coin ICO WordPress Theme that comes with a powerful, fully modern and bold design. It is perfect for cryptocurrency and other financial blog in general. You may also use RexCoin WordPress Theme as a bookkeeper website, cryptocoach website or simply as a financial advisor.
RexCoin v1.0 - Cryptocurrency & Coin ICO WordPress Theme is equipped with a very special crypto plugins which is made specially for ICO and business bureau. You can also easily promote your crypto corporate firm or gather some needed money for your crypto coin. It is very easy to sell your coin or accept donations and other payments systems in real money with Give Donation pluing or ThemeREX Donations.