Seosight – SEO, Digital Marketing Agency HTML Template Free Download v5.19 – ThemeForest | Seosight – SEO, Digital Marketing Agency HTML Template Nulled v5.19 is a perfect solution for the SEO Agency, SEO Services, Digital Marketing Agency and Online Marketing Group. (LATEST)
Are you looking for a modern and professional HTML template for your business?
Well, we have the perfect solution for you. Seosight is a high-quality HTML template which was developed with SEO and digital marketing in mind. It has a clean design and it’s fully responsive.
The design of Seosight HTML Template Nulled is implemented in Flat Filled Outline Style.
As the Seosight HTML theme Nulled has clear code, that guarantees smooth website functioning for every SEO, marketing and digital business. Use its options for your website development!
One of the major advantages of SEOsight HTML templates is the accuracy of code structuring, which includes tables of contents blocks, comments and table of contents.
In the development of this SEO theme that is well-organized, we made use of the latest technology, called Gulp. This enhances our SEOsight HTML template more responsive, quick and simple to use.
It is one of the top seo templates is completely responsive. Along with its simple design , this amazing HTML template looks stunning regardless of the device you use it on.
SEOsight was created using SAAS which helped make the HTML template well-structured simple and easy for users. Thanks to SAAS users are able to alter the main colors in just one click, by switching styles to match global variables.
The Seosight HTML Template is an innovative concept to the SEO, Digital Marketing Agency. The style of this HTML Template is implemented using flat Filled Outline style. This is an original and innovative solution for your work.
The entire information about this and much more is contained in the extensive documentation that is part of this template pack. This allows SEOsight Nulled easy to modify, clear and as easy to understand code as is possible. (LATEST)
Old Versions
Nulled Seosight – SEO, Digital Marketing Agency HTML Template
CHANGELOG Version 5.15 [20.01.23] [add] Related posts for single posts [fix] Missing icons in the Customizer section [up] Updated options framework [up] Updated Woocommerce templates [fix] Improved Bitnami compatibility Version 5.10 [24.10.22] * Updated Elemetor widgets plugin * Updated deprecated Elementor functions * Plugins updated * Fixed incompatibility Unyson with Bitnami installations * Fixed ParticlesJS animation Version 5.9.5 [22.04.22] [add] Related posts functionality for single posts [Fix] Envato Theme Check rules compatibility [improve] Options framework updated [Removed] Outdated social networks KC plugin updated Small Fixes + Update Js Plugins versions updated Version 5.9 [16.03.22] [Fix] Vulnerability in KingComposer plugin. [update] Plugins versions [update] Google fonts [fix] Custom font color issue Version 5.8 [18.11.21] Fixed Smooth scroll issue for KingComposer users Added compatibility with PHP8 for KingComposer plugin Added new portfolio plugin Fixed small CSS/JS issues Improved installation process Version 5.6 [27.08.21] [improve] add redirect option into contact form [fix] Remove Deprecated JS code [fix] Info box image border-radius [improve] Product Filters Plugins for WooCommerce compatibility Version 5.5.1 [31.05.21] [fix] options import issue on new installation [improve] add a link for the phone number in the footer box Version 5.5 [21.05.21] [fix] Shop page displays KC ccs codes below the header [Fix] Polylang Customizer options translation [fix] License related notice [fix] Elementor blocks styles Version 5.4 [22.04.21] [fix] megamenu issue [fix] Elementor Promo block issue [add] possibility to select social share buttons on portfolio [fix] accordion issue [fix] smooth scroll in main menu WPRocket compatibility [fix] bugs with Elementor Pro [improve] animation for row [add] option for changing form and color of particles in the particle effect background Version 5.3 [29.03.21] - Fixed theme menu issue - Fixed CSS issues of Elementor blocks - Updated included plugins Version 5.1 [01.03.21] - Improved JS scripts - Improved CSS styles - Google Speed optimizations - Plugins versions updated Version 4.9.9 [15.12.20] Fixed installation issues Fixed Elementor Seosight Widgets errors Fixed ReCaptcha option for contact forms Version 4.9.7 [24.11.20] [fix] check Elementor Seosight Widgets errors [fix] ReCaptcha fields inside contact forms [add] a support captcha v3 for the forms [fix] JS Error in console Version 4.9.5 [30.10.20] Fixed editing the Timeline Slider for Elementor Improved featured image for full-width posts Fixed sliders issue Fixed theme stylesheet duplication in KC Fixed stunning header options for a single page Version 4.7 [01.09.2020] - Fix Main Slider flickering issue - Fix CSS + JS issues - Fix metabox +customizer issues - Improved compitability with WP 5.5 - Updated plugins Version 4.6 [19.08.2020] - [add] demo templates for Elementor - [add] option for setting up the header color - [fix] incompatibility with Yoast recent update - [fix] Shifted image links - [fix] WordPress 5.5 compatibility - [improve] Woocommerce templates updated up to 4.4.0 Version 4.5 [23.07.2020] Fixed bugs in the footer Fixed main menu icons styles Fixed styles for the custom menu button classes Updated WooCoomerce templates Version 4.4 Fixed notices Fixed the submenu on IE 11 Browser Fixed the submenu on mobile version Fixed the sticky header on Microsoft Edge Browser Fixed the popup shopping cart price per item Fixed buttons translation of the popup shopping cart Updated demo database for KingComposer Added option for customizing images in the Subscribe panel Version 4.3.1 Fixed issue with function undefined when Woocommerce disabled. Version 4.3 Fixed option for the background image in the mega menu Fixed the second sub-item mega menu Fixed the menu dropdown Fixed number counting on the slider in RTL version Fixed some notices Fixed Previous / Next post links Added an option for changing posts order Added possibility to customize the stunning header for shop pages Updated theme fonts function Version 4.2.5 [add] WhatsApp icon to the social share list on the single post [add] ability to add several levels to the mega menu [fix] incorrect custom button for menu links Version 4.2 - fix issues with Gutenberg Blocks styling - fix Portfolio slider issue - fix Portfolio featured image feature - improved breadcrumbs navigation - added options for scroll-to-top button customization - added options for contact icons color customization Version 4.1 - Fix checkbox on Shop pages - Fix for timeline slider Dots - Fix for Menu in IE11 - Fix for colors in IE 11 - Fix some blocks paddings - Added Links Color option Version 4.0. from April 9, 2020 Full restyling of all theme components Full code refactoring New navigation menu algorithm Added Elementor support Added two versions of demo data to choose from - with Elementor and King Composer Improved responsive styling Improved RTL styling Improved styling for Gutenberg editor