Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO v4.32

Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO

Download Free Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO v4.32 Nulled

Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO WordPress Plugin Free Download 4.32 – CodeCanyon | Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO Nulled v4.32 help you quickly customize the appearance of your WordPress site by adding CSS and JS code to your theme or plugin files. It allows you to add custom CSS tweaks and design elements to your site. (LATEST)

Only apply to specific URLs

The code will be applied to all pages by default. This feature allows you to limit the pages where the code appears. The settings in the left screenshot apply the code to the entire website.

It excludes pages containing the word category. To match specific pages, you can add additional constraints.

Custom CSS/JS/HTML codes available across the network

Multisite WordPress installations can have custom CSS/JS/HTML codes written in one subsite. It is possible if you enable the “Apply network-wide” option.

For the Simple Custom CSS and JS Pro plugins Nulled to work, they must be activated on all subsites. However, the license key does not need to be started for each subsite.

Check out the changes to the code.

You can see the site before you save the code before applying the changes live. A preview page will open in a new tab when you click on the Preview Changes button.

You can share the URL generated in the new tab with your customers or coworkers so they can give their feedback before you make the changes live.

Export and import CSS and JS codes

These codes are yours to use as you wish. You can export the code and all metadata to reuse it in another WordPress installation.

Shortcodes can be added.

Any custom HTML code can either be placed in the page’s head, footer, or, if it has an id, can be used in a page/post as a shortcode or text widget. Shortcodes can also accept variables.

The same shortcode may be used in multiple places on your website. A multisite WordPress installation can have a shortcode defined in the leading site with the “Apply network-wide” option enabled, and it can also be used in any subsite.


You can record all changes made to CSS and JS codes, along with the dates and options. To compare the two revisions, you can see what was changed and removed.

Minimize the CSS andJS codes

Your website will load faster and stay sleek if you reduce the size of your code. A survey of the top ten U.S. websites found that minification achieved a 21% reduction in size.

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Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO Free Download (LATEST)

Old Versions

Nulled Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO 4.28.0

Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO Nulled Changelog

= 4.30 =
* 10/12/2022
* Feature: enqueue the jQuery library if one of the JS custom codes requires it
* Feature: code folding in the editor
* Tweak: update the "scssphp/scssphp" library to the latest 1.11.0 version

= 4.29 =
* 06/14/2022
* Fix: if the "File Renaming on Upload" plugin is installed, then don't rename the files with the 'css', 'js', 'html' extensions
* Fix: update CSS linter to allow comma in CSS pseudo-selectors and allow custom properties
* Feature: save the custom code upon "Ctrl-S" in the editor

= 4.28 =
* 03/22/2022
* Tweak: update the EDD Plugin Updater library
* Tweak: add instructions about the "JS Linting Options" to the Help screen
* Fix: check for the scssphp library's version. If another plugin loads an older version of scssphp, where the 'compileString' method is missing, then an error is shown

= 4.27 =
* 02/05/2022
* Tweak: compile SASS code with the "scssphp/scssphp" library for PHP>7.2
* Fix: show the SASS/LESS compiling errors after clicking the "Publish/Update" button
* Fix: allow a query component in the preview page's URL

= 4.26 =
* 11/24/2021
* Fix: escape labels on the "Add new custom code" page
* Fix: the URL matching is now done on the encoded and decoded version of the URL
* Tweak: update the matthiasmullie/Minify library to the latest Jul 2021 commit
* Feature: Keep the last cursor position in the editor and let the editor get focus when the page loads

= 4.25 =
* 06/07/2021
* Fix: linting SASS - allow "!important" rule and tabs as indentation
* Fix: catch and show the throwable errors and exceptions from WP Conditional Tags in the admin
* Tweak: when a SASS partial is saved, the SASS code that imports the partial needs to be compiled to CSS
* Tweak: add the "ccj_code_editor_settings" filter for modifying the editor's options

= 4.24 =
* 03/11/2021
* Fix: allow the TablePress plugin to load its JS files on the "Add custom code" page in admin
* Fix: fatal error with PHP8.0
* Update the JSHint library to to v2.12.0

= 4.23 =
* 02/01/2021
* Feature: add "Allow custom JS codes to the login page in subsites" option on multisite WP installations for the super admin
* Tweak: small adjustments for compatibility with PHP 8.0 and jQuery 3.5.1
* Fix: before loading the Minify class check if it already loaded 

= 4.22 =
* 11/07/2020
* Fix: add SameSite attribute to the theme cookie
* Fix: don't load the theme.css file in the backend
* Fix: the "Apply only on these Pages" rules are case-insensitive, just like the WordPress permalinks

= 4.21.4 =
* 10/02/2020
* Fix: error when filtering the custom codes
* Fix: incompatibility with the Max Mega Menu plugin

= 4.21.3 =
* 08/20/2020
* Fix: remove the "variable-no-property" and "no-ids" rules from SASS linting
* Fix: add "Cmd + " editor shortcuts for MacOS computers
* Fix: the user language preferrence was ignored in favor of the site defined language
* Fix: allow the jQuery library added by plugins like Enable jQuery Migrate Helper or Test jQuery Updates
* Fix: permalink was not editable with WordPress 5.5

= 4.21.2 =
* 07/14/2020
* Fix: use file_get_contents instead of include_once to load the custom codes

= 4.21 =
* 07/08/2020
* Feature: "Ctrl + /" in the editor will comment out the code
* Feature: order custom codes table by "type" and "active" state
* Fix: shortcodes not working on subsites from multisite installations

= 4.20.3 =
* 06/06/2020
* Fix: PHP warning if empty string is used in a "URL starts with ..." rule

= 4.20.2 =
* 05/31/2020
* Fix: compatibility issue with the Product Slider for WooCommerce by ShapedPlugin
* Fix: PHP warning in case the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable is missing

= 4.20.1 =
* 05/07/2020
* Fix: HTML code set to "Both" devices doesn't show up on mobile devices
* Check and declare compatibility with WC4.1

= 4.20 =
* 04/24/2020
* Feature: don't show type attribute for script and style tags if the theme adds html5 support for it
* Code refactory
* Fix: the permalink was mistakingly showing a ".css" file extension when being edited

= 4.19 =
* 03/19/2020
* Check and declare compatibility with WC4.0
* Check and declare compatibility with WP5.4

= 4.18 =
* 02/02/2020
* Feature: color the matching brackets in the editor
* Fix: date Published and Modified date wasn't shown in Japanese

= 4.17 =
* 12/19/2019
* Fix: codes limited only to homepage were showing on all the pages
* Feature: editor autocomplete on keyup
* Feature: add "After  tag" option for HTML codes, if the theme allows it 

Categories: Add-ons, Plugins

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