Tokoo – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme Free Download v.1.1.8 – ThemeForest | Tokoo v1.1.8 – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme for Affiliates is a chef’s knife in this world of multi-purpose themes loaded with more features than needed and trying to be like a Swiss Army Knife. It is designed for one purpose only to help you create your eCommerce website that looks like one of the top eCommerce websites. We’ve imbibed the latest trends in websites for new age eCommerce, such as smaller fonts, simpler headers, cleaner checkouts, better navigation and less space.
You can pick from 5 different home page templates and 17 different blocks. Developers home pages are structured to show more items in blocks that are arranged differently. The home pages can also be customized using custom code or page builders, which allow you to mix and match 17 different blocks to create unique home pages.
Tokoo Nulled Theme has four separate header types and one mobile header. Our headers have been created to give your website a professional appearance. The navigation, branding, relevant icons, and fast switchers are all housed in the headers of your website. The mobile header is only available in mobile view and masks any other distractions for mobile users.
The pace of a website is largely determined by the theme. You can achieve fast loading times by using plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache. This is due to the fact that our home pages are simple and take less time to create.
Tokoo Theme for WordPress is available in six pre-defined primary colors from which to choose. If your branding uses a color that isn’t one of the pre-defined choices, you can easily select your own color using the color picker to make the website fit your brand colors.