Free Download WooCommerce Shared Variation Inventory Nulled v3.5.7 | WooCommerce Shared Variation Inventory Free Download v3.5.7 is an inventory management system that allows a group of variations to share a single quantity.
Variation Shared Inventory for WooCommerce allows store owners to collectively manage their product’s stock when selling the same product in various quantities. Sell your items in groups of any amount, and track those groups in the total inventory.
This innovation allows store owners to track their total inventory, even when items are sold in multiple bulk quantity variations, and easily integrate the bulk sale of products.
Variation shared inventory has easy-to-use methods to allow you to manage inventory for sharing stock among variations. Using it will save you tons of time on managing individual stock values and provide a better shopping experience for your customers which can lead to higher sales. Here’s a list of features:
Version 3.5.2
RELEASED ON 2023-01-08
Fixed the loading issues
Version 3.5.1
RELEASED ON 2022-11-26
Added shared variation stock among variable products and fixed minor bugs
Version 3.5.0
RELEASED ON 2022-11-26
Added shared variation stock among variable products
Version 3.4.1
RELEASED ON 2021-11-16
Fix issues related to quick edit
Version 3.4.0
RELEASED ON 2021-10-27
Added shared varation stock column
Added quick edit
Supports float multiplier value
Version Undefined
RELEASED ON 2021-6-21
Minor fixes to reduce the number of PHP Warnings
Version Undefined
RELEASED ON 2021-6-14
Updated admin UI and compatibility with Product Batch & Expiration Tracking for WooCommerce plugin
Version 3.1.6
RELEASED ON 2021-6-03
Updated stock reduction input field validation to be more comprehensive
Version 3.1.5
RELEASED ON 2021-4-05
Fixed an bug causing issues with simple product cart validiation
Version 3.1.4
RELEASED ON 2021-3-22
Updated compatibility with backorders
Version 3.1.3
RELEASED ON 2021-3-22
Fixed compatibility with backorders
Version 3.1.2
RELEASED ON 2020-11-16
Initial release