Free Download WooCommerce Upload Files Nulled v71.8 | WooCommerce Upload Files v71.8 Free Download upload any file of any size on the product, cart, checkout, thank you, and/or order details pages! Preview images, add additional costs, fees, and many more options!
It’s very simple! To configure a new upload field go to Upload files Configurator Nulled menu and add a new Upload field.
Once created, the admin has just to configure on which page the field has to be displayed (Product, Cart, Checkout, Order details) and configure its “visibility” according to the filtering criteria (enabled/disabled for specific products, categories, or for every item).
This will create one upload field for every matching product (and optionally also for every single variant according to some restrictions in the case of the Product page) displayed in the selected pages!
Furthermore, for more deep customization, is also possible to specify some other options like:
= 71.5 - 06.02.23 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the fields to be displayed on the product page in case of variable products = 71.4 - 06.02.23 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the fields to be displayed on the product page = 71.3 - 03.02.23 = * Fixed an issue that prevented checkout to be performed = 71.2 - 03.02.23 = * Fixed an issue that prevented checkout to be performed = 71.1 - 02.02.23 = * Fixed an issue that in some cases allowed the checkout to be performed in case of missing mandatory uploads = 71.0 - 01.02.23 = * Minor improvement = 70.9 - 31.01.23 = * On the Cart page, upload fields are now displayed in the item table = 70.8 - 16.01.23 = * Fixed an issue with the fee computation when the 'Free items' option was enabled = 70.7 - 27.12.22 = * Fixed an issue related to the file preview option on the admin order details page = 70.6 - 23.12.22 = * Notification emails now report the correct order number = 70.5 - 17.12.22 = * Fixed an issue related to the "User can delete files" option * Added preview for files on the admin order page (thanks to ccwavrin for contributing) = 70.4 - 16.12.22 = * Added a new option to prevent the file download on the Admin order details page = 70.3 - 15.12.22 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the "User can delete files" option from properly work = 70.2 - 25.11.22 = * Added files link to emails = 70.1 - 24.11.22 = * Fixed an issue due to the "Summary box" on the order details page was not generating the AmazonS3 download links = 70.0 - 14.11.22 = * Added option to automatically split products on the cart = 69.9 - 08.11.22 = * Minor CSS improvement = 69.8 - 07.11.22 = * Minor CSS improvement = 69.7 - 03.11.22 = * Minor bugfix = 69.6 - 28.10.22 = * Fixed an issue related to the download button = 69.5 - 16.10.22 = * PDF will now be previewed after the upload = 69.4 - 16.10.22 = * Fixed an issue due to extra costs/item price was not properly computed according to the PDF pages = 69.3 - 12.10.22 = * Minor improvements = 69.2 - 11.10.22 = * Fixed an issue related to the Shipping method visibility = 69.1 - 05.10.22 = * Is now possible to set fo which order status files can be deleted (option valid only fo the Orde details page) = 69.0 - 03.10.22 = * Typo = 68.9 - 08.09.22 = * Crop controller: images are now loaded with zoom 0 = 68.8 - 07.09.22 = * Fixed an issue related to the "The computed fee will be used as product cart price" option in case of multiple file upload = 68.7 - 05.09.22 = * Minor improvements = 68.6 - 31.08.22 = * Minor bugfix = 68.5 - 25.08.22 = * Minor bugfix = 68.4 - 25.08.22 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the plugin to be properly activated = 68.3 - 25.08.22 = * Fixed an issue that prevented the plugin to be properly activated = 68.2 - 24.08.22 = * Fixed a conflict with the ACF plugin = 68.1 - 16.07.22 = * Fixed an issue related to the quantity selector = 68.0 - 10.06.22 = * Fixed an issue related to the attribute selection = 67.9 - 30.05.22 = * Optin to override the "Product cart quantity as the number of uploaded files" option via the upload fields = 67.8 - 21.05.22 = * CSS bugfix