WordPress Content Protector – Prevent Your Content Free Download 1.0.4 – CodeCanyon | WordPress Content Protector v1.0.4 – Prevent Your Content helps you protect from copying your online content. Just install a small plugin and protect WordPress content against plagiarisation on your website.
The plugin blocks all content copying methods: selection, hot keys, developer tools and right-click.
The WordPress Content Protector prevents 90% of typical users from robbing content. And you can customize each parameter with flexible options. For regular users, the plugin is silent and invisible, but fast and confident for people that want to steal your content.
For the plugin to work, no CSS or picture files are needed. No addictions such as jQuery. Only Vanilla JavaScript clean and quick.
It supports all main browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, etc. No matter what users of the browser your website views. WordPress Content Protector works well in all browsers.
The WordPress content protector works great on all kinds of devices: smartphones, tablets and computers on your desktop. This protects your content on each device.
The entire documentation comes with this plugin, so that it is even easier to use it.