WP Optin Wheel Pro v3.7.6 [by StudioWombat] Free Download

WP Optin Wheel Pro
WP Optin Wheel Pro

Free Download WP Optin Wheel Pro Nulled v3.7.6 | WP Optin Wheel Pro v3.7.6 Free Download capture your visitor’s email address and offer them the chance to win a prize or automatic discount by turning the wheel of fortune! This is the first gamified opt-in plugin for WordPress and WooCommerce.


This plugin will move you away from the industry-standard of a 1.9% opt-in rate. Capture your visitor’s email address while offering them a chance to win a prize by turning the wheel of fortune! Say goodbye to annoying popups and give your visitors a game they actually want to participate in.

Increase your list of email addresses or increase your sales by offering your visitors the chance to win a coupon or other prize by spinning the wheel of fortune. Say goodbye to annoying pop-ups and give your visitors a game in which they really want to participate.

Create your own themes

Choose a predefined theme or create your own custom theme. You can edit slice colors, background image, add your logo in the center, and so much more.

Customize up to 24 slices

Want to hand out coupons, redirect to a prize page, or just display HTML? You can define each slice, including winning chances and limiting prizes!

Are you using WooCommerce? WP Optin Wheel Nulled fully integrates with Woo coupons to automatically create unique coupon codes.

Powerful form builder

Need more data than an email address? Build your own opt-in forms and ask as many data as you need. Use text fields, dropdown boxes, and make your forms GDPR-proof with mandatory checkboxes.

WP Optin Wheel Pro Free Download


Categories: Plugins

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