wpDataTables v5.5 – Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress + Addons

wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress v2.3.1

wpDataTables – Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress + Addons Free Download v5.5 – CodeCanyon | wpDataTables – Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress v5.5 + Addons (Last Updated on 27th March 2020) is a most powerful responsive Tables, great Spreadsheets and fully stunning Charts Data Manager in a form of a WordPress Plugin. This premium plugin comes with fully Responsive Design, More Flexible and easiest Customization, Fully Documented and Tutorialized, Google Spreadsheets, Extremely easy to use, Google Charts / Highcharts, Any WordPress Theme Supported, 4000+ Users and More…



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Changelog wpDataTables – Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress Nulled

Version 5.3 (Released 24.01.2023.)
New update with some new features, improvements, and bug fixes:
Feature: New Highcharts chart types – Funnel and 3D Funnel Chart.
Feature: New Chart.js chart types – Stacked Column Chart, Bar Chart and Stacked Bar Chart.
Improvement: Option to remove Google Fonts from table for GDPR compliant users.
Improvement: Update chart.js libraries.
Improvement: Registered more strings for translation.
Improvement: Updated back-end images.
Improvement: Improve agent parameter in curl calls.
Improvement: Added wpdatatables_curl_get_data_complete filter.
BugFix: Fixed issue with table not displaying zero (0) in table headers.
BugFix: Fixed issue with reduced row height when displaying empty fields.
BugFix: Fixed issue with Highcharts tooltip not being displayed properly in Chrome.
BugFix: Fixed issue with simple table scroll in back-end.
BugFix: Fixed issue with input filter.
Other small bug fixes

Version 5.2 (Released 26.12.2022)
New update with new features and bug fixes:
Feature: A new light skin – Raspberry Cream.
Feature: Use ‘AND’ logic to narrow down your filtering results instead of the only previously available ‘OR’ logic.
BugFix: Fixed file location on table save changes.
BugFix: Removed empty space below excel-like tables.
Other small bug fixes.

Version 5.1 (Released 09.11.2022)
Update with a couple of new options, improvements, and bug fixes:

Feature: Create tables from Excel or CSV file from any URL.
Feature: New option: Include table title in exported Excel file and Copy as well.
Improvement: Remove unnecessary characters from SQL queries.
Improvement: Update libraries (Datatables, Table Tools, moment.js).
BugFix: Fixed issue with the new version of Highcharts for axis min and max values.
BugFix: Fixed issue with editing when responsive mode is used.
Other small bug fixes.

Version 5.0 (Released 26.09.2022)
New major update with awesome features, some improvements and bug fixes:

Feature: New data source type: Nested JSON.
Feature: JSON authentication.
Feature: Caching data for non-server-side tables (Excel, CSV, Google sheet, XML, JSON, Nested JSON and PHP array).
Feature: Auto update cache for non server-side tables (Excel, CSV, Google sheet, XML, JSON, Nested JSON and PHP array).
Feature: Update manual tables: Replace data within an existing table.
Feature: Update manual tables: Add data into an existing table.
Feature: Update manual tables: Replace the entire table with new data.
Improvement: Improved error handling.
BugFix: Fixed issue with saving CSS rules in a simple table.
BugFix: Fixed tab index for Google sheet API in main settings.
Other small bug fixes.

Version 4.5 (Released 20.07.2022.)
New update with an amazing feature, some improvements, and bug fixes:
Feature: Added single cell shortcode.
Improvement: Improved separate connections performance.
Improvement: Added Highcharts accessibility module.
Improvement: Changed type of mysql_table_name column to TEXT.
Improvement: Added a new hooks for PDO dsn and for MySQLi link connection: wpdatatables_filter_pdo_connection_dsn and wpdatatables_filter_mysqli_connection_link
BugFix: Fixed issue with Gutenberg and editable tables for media upload.
BugFix: Fixed issue with date format m/Y and Google sheet.
BugFix: Fixed issue with fatal error with old versions of Avada theme.
BugFix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting if cell contains HTML.
BugFix: Fixed issue with sanitized SQL queries.
Other small bug fixes

Version 4.4 (Released 13.06.2022.)
New update with improvements and bug fixes:
Feature: Added options for responsive actions – icon, row or cell.
Improvement: Compatibility with the latest version of Elementor.
Improvement: Improved error handling during activation and deactivation of a license.
Improvement: Automatically close the date picker after a date has been chosen.
BugFix: Fixed issue with Divi editor blocks not working when only one table or chart has been created.
BugFix: Fixed issue with ’%’ symbol in string cells for separate connection tables.
BugFix: Fixed issue with foreign keys for PostgreSQL database.
Other small bug fixes

Version 4.3 (Released 18.05.2022.)
New update with feature, some improvements and bug fixes:
Feature: Added new placeholders VAR4 , VAR5 , VAR6 , VAR7 , VAR8 and VAR9 .
Improvement: Average calculation function will not count empty cells anymore.
Improvement: Remove unnecessary files from Divi integration.
BugFix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting on front-end.
BugFix: Fixed issue with number format in Highcharts tooltips.
BugFix: Fixed Fixed issue with position of Clear filters button when are used Edit table buttons.
BugFix: Fixed issue with Google charts when using Grouping and Follow table filtering options.
Other small bug fixes

Version 4.2.1 (Released 06.04.2022.)
New update with bug fixes:
BugFix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting for int or float column when responsive is turned on for first column in table.
BugFix: Fixed issue with loading tables with SQL queries.
BugFix: Fixed issue with inserting spaces for column prefix and suffix.
BugFix: Fixed issue with title in filter in widget shown as HTML.
Other small bug fixes

Version 4.2 (Released 31.03.2022)
New update with new feature, improvements, and bug fixes:
Feature:Added new shortcode parameter for calculation functions to show only value.
Improvement:Improved sanitizing user data.
BugFix:Fixed issue with merge cells from context menu.
BugFix:Fixed issue with showing filters for large tables when Display length is All.
BugFix:Fixed issue with conditional formatting for int/float columns.
Other small bug fixes

Version 4.1 (Released 16.03.2022)
New update with new feature, improvements, and bug fixes:
Feature:Added duplicate edit button
Improvement:Removed “Apply and add new” button in the edit modal when “New entry” button is disabled.
Improvement:Added new filters for each chart engine render data: wpdatatables_filter_apexcharts_render_data, wpdatatables_filter_google_charts_render_data, wpdatatables_filter_highcharts_render_data and wpdatatables_filter_chartjs_render_data.
BugFix:Fixed issue with grid options in Apexcharts.
BugFix:Fixed issue with Jet plugins in Elementor widgets.
BugFix:Fixed issue with Gutenberg blocks when Avada’s post/page types are disabled.
BugFix:Fixed conflict with Amelia widgets in Divi Builder.
BugFix:Fixed issue with number of rows in HTML source for server-side tables.
BugFix:Fixed issue with conditional formatting for int/float columns when is used “Set cell content”.
Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2 approved.
Other small bug fixes

Version 4.0.1 (Released 11.02.2022)
A minor update with a bugfix:
Bugfix: Resolved the conflict with Elementor plugin.

Version 4.0 (Released 10.02.2022)
Major update with one large feature, couple of new ones, several bug fixes and stability improvements:
Feature: Added new chart engine – ApexCharts with 20 new chart types and more new options.
Feature: Added features to create Synchronized charts with ApexCharts engine.
Feature: Added integration with Avada Website builder.
Feature: Added integration with DIVI Website builder.
Improvement: Added export file name parameter in module for WPBakery page builder
Improvement: Replaced deprecated methods for Elementor integration
Improvement: Increased table, columns, and charts id’s in database structure from int(11) to bigint(20)
Bugfix: Fixed enqueue minify version wpdatatables-bootstrap.min.css
Bugfix: Fixed issue with foreign keys and non-serverside table
Bugfix: Fixed conditional formatting for int and float columns with empty values
Bugfix: Fixed issue with conditional formatting and “Add column class” option
Bugfix: Fixed notice when WP CLI is used
Bugfix: Fixed issue with multiple radial pie highcharts on the page
Bugfix: Fixed issue with a large number of predefined values
Compatibility with WordPress 5.9 approved.
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.

wpDataTables – Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress Free Download


Categories: Add-ons, CodeCanyon, Interface Elements, Plugins, Tables

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